The Wisdom From Above or Below?

Dennis McCallum
James 4:1-3

We all have some tendencies to act in the wisdom of the world; as we grow with God, He is going to correct our hearts and minds as to how we act and react to the people around us. God is gracious and will reveal aspects of ourselves to us as we sit under Him in His word. Ultimately God is going to provide the change in our thinking, but it all starts with a saving relationship with God through His son's death on the cross for our sins.

Power of the Gospel (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Mark 5:1-20

The Bible presents a picture of the supernatural that is different from both naturalism and an obsessive neurosis: that we are spiritual beings in a spiritual world. The spiritual dimension is not neutral, and humans live in a system that is largely under the control of Satan. When Jesus commands demons out of a possessed man, he proves that he is able to restore us to freedom and sanity.

Responses to the Gospel

Jim Leffel
Mark 4:1-20

Jesus taught through parables because they were strategic, and were spiritually significant in that it was up to the hearer to receive spiritual truth. In the parable of the soils, Jesus explains that there are four kinds of soil which represent four responses to the gospel. There is: 1) the hard ground, which represents those who have a hardened heart; 2) the shallow soil, which does not have a deep faith; 3) the thorny ground, whose hearts are lured by the world; and 4) the good soil, which accepts the message and bears good fruit.

Being a "Doer": Inclusiveness and Compassion

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 1:26-29

When we are not taking our identity from God we create an arbitrary identity through distinctions and setting our identity based on that. James implores us to love others as ourselves, and not show partiality based on distinctions we make in our minds. Being a doer of the Word means going out of our way to love those different than ourselves.


Dennis McCallum
James 1:13-15

James warns on the temptations of the world and how we view them over God. Legitimate desires become lust when we look to them for meaning and happiness rather than God. When we view desires as solutions to our problems they become lusts and displace God. We have the option to admit our problems without blame-shifting, and to cling to God's Truth.

Getting Ready to Give

Dennis McCallum
James 1:1-8

Are we willing to turn to God to seek wisdom in the midst of suffering? James talks about perseverance through trials and, with wisdom from God, to consider trials an opportunity for joy. We can turn to God who will give us the strength to make it through trials and shape us in our broken state to be used in His plans. God is going to provide for us if we are sold out for Him in our hearts and minds. When we are provided for through Him we are able to become grateful and able to give out to others who are also going through trials.

Knowing God

Jim Leffel
Jeremiah 9:23-24

Jeremiah explains what it means to know God and demonstrate God, rather than boasting in our own wisdom, power, and riches. We know God through His initiative and provision of reconciliation, regeneration, and redemption. God's love is demonstrated by His mercy, His provision, and His blessing. Followers of God demonstrate His love to others.\r\n

Introducing the Man & His Time

Jim Leffel
Jeremiah 1:1-16

God calls Jeremiah to be a prophet to the nation of Judah and warns them if they do not turn from their evil ways they will be destroyed like the nation of Israel. The nation of Judah is contrasted with the heart of Jeremiah. Judah's heart is unfaithful to God, their destruction is looming, and they will be ruled by the Babylonians. Jeremiah has a heart for God, knows a future exodus is coming, and trusts God to rule his future. In His sovereignty, God has a calling for each of us and He promises to accomplish His word.\r\n

The Kosmos

Dennis McCallum
James 4:4

The Kosmos, a world-system set up by Satan in contrast to God's way of living, is well taught on throughout the Bible. Christians should recognize this system and fight against it, in contrast to how the American church has fed into this system, causing many people to compromise their faith. Far too often, Christians look no different from non-believers in this area, falling into greed and materialism along with the rest of our culture. We cannot serve two masters. Therefore, we must take a stand against this system and its damaging effects.