Chapter Four

Chris Hearty
Ecclesiastes 4:1-12

King Solomon considered the oppression the powerful exert over the earth and saw the meaninglessness of justice apart from God. He saw people either try excessively to achieve or the alternative, just give up trying. He saw the perils of being alone in this world. Solomon warns trying to live a life apart from God leads to oppression, discontentment or loneliness.

Believers Under Pressure

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 2:11-24

Since believers are living as foreigners in a hostile world, we should not give in to the temptations of our flesh as the world does, but we should be different. Our good deeds should set us apart and silence those who slander us. If we bear up under unjust suffering for the sake of the gospel, this finds favor with God. We have been called to follow Jesus' example of suffering for the sake of others. By His wounds, many are healed.

Be Different

Conrad Hilario
1 Peter 1:13-22

When God calls us to be holy because he is holy, he is not asking us to be different from the culture in merely superficial ways like clothing choices or refraining from cussing. He is calling us to stand out by having higher values and a fervent love for others. If you let God transform your values and grow you in your ability to love others, you will be different in a very good way.

Two Ways to Live

Chris Hearty
Philippians 3:17-21

Paul offers that there are two ways to live. One way is the earthly mindset that invests in temporal things that are destined to perish, that is enslaved to desires, and ends in ruin. The other way to live is accept the gift of salvation that is in Jesus. This enables one to have an eternal mindset that leads to investment in things that last forever. The eternal perspective leads to the realization of unparalleled freedom in Christ, no longer to be enslaved to worthless things. This leads to the glory that comes from God who transforms us.

Babylon the Great

Gary DeLashmutt
Revelation 18

Babylon the Great is the ultimate expression of human empires that defy God's rule. It seduces governments and businesses thorough the allure of material wealth. It seduces individuals by turning good things into idols that corrupt and enslave. As believers, we are not citizens of this world system and so should not get caught up in arguing the relative value of different political systems but instead should make the ongoing decision to resist the seductive influence of Babylon the Great.

Jesus Tempted

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 4:1-21

Matthew 4 tells the story of Jesus' successful struggle against temptation in the wilderness, as he was confronted by Satan who sought to entice him. Satan used 3 approaches that are the same approaches he uses with us: the "lust of the eyes," the "lust of the flesh," and the "boastful pride of life." Jesus demonstrates how we can successfully counter the deception of temptation by knowing the truth, being on our guard, and fighting against it, in part, by examining our thinking.

What Is Wrong with the World

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 3:1-15

Paul charges Timothy to confront false teachings in the church. Paul tells him the false teachers are on a path divergent from Timothy's path. The false teachers' path is based on lies and will not lead to fulfilling God's purpose, but Timothy is on a true and better path that, though it includes suffering and persecution, will accomplish God's purpose. \r\nPaul calls Timothy to do three things: To realize, to avoid and to continue. \r\nTimothy must realize the trajectory of the world. Because people are fallen and have rejected God, the world will only go from bad to worse. The world is full of people who are lovers of self rather than God. \r\nTimothy must avoid the influence of the way of the world. Do not be captivated by the worldly allure of living for self. It is a powerful current that must be resisted. \r\nInstead, continue in the better way, the way Timothy had been taught since youth, the way of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the antidote to the life built on self.

The Importance of Patience

Ryan Lowery
James 5:7-11

As James has demonstrated through his book, the world in which we live can prove unfair and harsh for believers in Jesus, but a mature Christian has learned to be patient in the midst of difficulty. James offers that someday Jesus will return, and the world will be put right. We should cling to that promise as our only true hope, and should wait patiently for now, engaging in the good works that will draw people to God, the only source of true good. We should also speak truthfully about God, even if we encounter opposition.

The Backward Wisdom of God (Part 2)

Ryan Lowery
James 4:1-11

The Kosmos--the world system that stands in opposition to God and His will--draws people toward a selfish point of view and lifestyle, which leads to destruction in their life. The Kosmos distracts us away from the good life that God has created us to have, and away from the true needs of others that He wants us to help meet. For Christians, James describes obedience to the Kosmos as being spiritual adultery, and calls on us to take these failings seriously. The good news is, as we turn to Him for mercy, God offers us forgiveness and a restoration to usefulness.