Subverting the System

Conrad Hilario
Jeremiah 29:10-14

The prophet Daniel writes his book to the nation of Israel for the purpose of demonstrating the mighty power of prayer, restoring God's splendor, and providing hope through predictive prophecy. In chapter one, we see Daniel enter King Nebuchadnezzar's service. Instead of giving in to pressure to completely conform to Babylonian culture, Daniel maintains his devotion to the Lord while also faithfully serving the king. We can look to Daniel as an example of obedience to God in the heart of a culture hostile toward Him.

How to Thrive in Babylon

James Rochford
Daniel 1:1-21

Daniel refuses to conform to the Babylonian culture around him, despite an uncertain future. God empowered Daniel's firm commitment to His will and causes Daniel to outlast the massive empire around him.

Lot: Living a Life of Compromise

James Rochford
Genesis 19

Instead of focusing on God, Lot focused his eyes on materialism and the prospect of wealth when he chose to move his family and herds toward Sodom. As a result, he compromised his faith which led to the creation of the Moabites and Ammonites, enemies of Israel, through his own daughters.

Nimrod and Babylon

Conrad Hilario
Genesis 11:1

Babylon symbolizes the human achievement of unity, suppression of diversity, and technological achievement apart from God. It is the effort of humans to find meaning in their lives apart from God. As a result, the achievement never satisfies because only God can give us significance.

The Death of Truth Revisted

Jim Leffel
Deuteronomy 8:3

The prophet Amos describes a terrible famine in the land due to injustice and idolatry, devastating many. But there is another famine, even more devastating, a famine of truth which starves the soul. Our postmodern culture today is amidst this famine, unwilling to accept facts and viewing truth as a social construct. As we examine the effects of this lack of truth alongside the recovery of truth in a Christian context, the need for God's Word becomes clear and profound.

Another Spiritual Danger

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Timothy 6:7-9

Materialism and nationalism are real temptations that face the church, and just like Paul warns the Philippians about falling into these traps, modern Christians must be careful not to follow the world's perspective instead of the Bible's. Instead, we must focus on our eternal citizenship and home with Christ rather than building material wealth and learn how to work with one another to advance the gospel in spite of differing political views.

The Crafty Steward

Dennis McCallum
Luke 16:1-13

Jesus tells an interesting parable about a recently fired manager who cheats his former master out of money to provide for his future. Like the manager, we too have only a short time left on this earth; yet too many Christians live to serve this world and forget that they are stewards of their wealth and possessions. Jesus declares that it is impossible to serve both God and wealth; therefore, we should exchange our temporary wealth for heavenly, eternal wealth.


Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 3:1-9

According to the Bible, there are ultimately only two bases for identity: boasting in one's achievements or affiliations; or boasting in Christ. Paul counts his own religious background as inferior compared to his identity in Christ. Paul urges the Philippians to follow his example in putting confidence in their identity in Christ rather than their flesh.

Christians and Government

Ryan Lowery
Romans 13:1-7

Christians should obey the human governing authorities that God has put in place as a way of obeying God, who is the ultimate authority. We can believe in God's sovereignty amidst tension with those who rule over us, and can see it as an opportunity to show God's love to others.