How to Ask Good Questions

John Ross
Genesis 4:4-7

Learning to ask good questions unlocks new potential to more effectively share our faith, develop deep relationships, and help others move toward Christ. This workshop helps describe what good questions consist of and explains how to actually ask these questions while talking with others. Before asking our questions, we should prepare ahead of time and be willing to adjust our approach during the conversation. As we listen wisely in conversations, we can walk away more prepared to ask further questions later that may go deeper. The workshop ends with several case studies to practice asking good questions in specific contexts.

Helping Disciples Develop Time with God

Sara Bott
Colossians 3:16

As we seek to fan the flame, igniting other's time with God, we should seek to understand three main concepts: our role in motivating people, actions through which we can help motivate, and areas in which we should seek to motivate. When we understand what is our role apart from God's, we can imperfectly but effectively motivate others without falling into manipulation. To ignite a fire in others, modeling is important as well as persuading, instructing, encouraging and vision-setting. With these tools, we can help others develop a consistent and faithful time with God that is still centered around grace.

The Word and Leading Home Group Evangelism

Doug Patch
1 Corinthians 3:5-9

God calls every one of his followers to evangelize, including people who may not be gifted in this area. Therefore, we must strive to lead this practice in our home groups, making sure that we are utilizing God's Word to do so. From there we can begin approaching our group by first making a clear biblical case for evangelism. We should communicate how the group is doing, demonstrate how God's grace empowers believers to do this, develop an action plan for both the inner attitudes and outwards actions, and present vision for where God will lead the group.

Importance of a Positive Outlook in Ministry

Conrad Hilario
Hebrews 10:32-35

While holding and presenting a positive outlook is scientifically shown to cause others to thrive, spewing negativity just further feeds our negative attitude. The difference is between effective, motivational leadership and defeatism, which leads to unbelief. If we remain with our negative outlook, we are at risk of becoming cold towards the very people God calls us to love. Thus, we should seek a positive outlook in ministry without running to the other extreme of being overly positive. Finally, we can cultivate a positive outlook through several key steps outlined in this presentation.

Salvation and Transformation - The Scriptures in the Lives of Leaders and Their People

Lee Davis
Romans 12:1-2

The scriptures lead us to Christ. It is in the scriptures that Jesus Christ is revealed. If people want to be effective leaders for Christ, they must be devoted to God's Word. God's Word can offer grace and correction daily. Time spent in His Word can lead to character transformation. We see this transformation from the Word in the life of Timothy.

The Life of Watchman Nee

Mike Sullivan
Romans 12:1-2

The life of Watchman Nee is an extraordinary account of Christian dedication. This workshop explores his background and the church planting movement that he began in China during the twentieth century. Through examining his movement, we can extract both pitfalls to avoid and qualities to implement in our own churches. Xenos, in this way, does have Nee to thank for some of the reasoning behind its own home church structure.

Praying for Stuck Christians

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Samuel 12:22-23

Once beginning a relationship with Christ, the road to spiritual growth is not easy and many believers become "stuck," mired in things like bitterness, self-righteousness or fear. This workshop develops the biblical evidence that we should pray for these believers and explores what that looks like in action. Prayer is an immensely powerful tool, and we need to wield it in order to help others be loosened from the enemy's grasp. We see that In response to this, we should consider someone in our own life for whom we may pray and be prepared to persevere in those prayers.

What Makes a Man?

Joey Francisco
Proverbs 27:17

Our culture tells us men should live on an island, be less emotional, and live their life in pursuit of autonomous comfort. This has created an environment where we see young men seeking fulfillment and purpose from the world's resources that will never satisfy. God has given men resources in His Word that can lead them to leadership, diligent work, healthy relationships, and healthy emotional output. God's resources and provisions will satisfy.

Leading Dynamic Discussion

John Ross
Proverbs 27:17

Teaching through discussion is an important element to an effective Bible study, but it is a skill that takes practice and effort. This workshop explores three key elements of teaching through discussion: creating strong questions, delivering questions at key points in the teaching, and guiding the discussion effectively. Through examining these areas and honing our questions, we can begin to lead much more dynamic discussions, both in small and larger group settings.