Women, Men and Servanthood

Dennis McCallum
Galatians 3:28

Paul wanted the Corinthian church to maximize their witness within their culture, so he called for certain cultural gender norms to be followed as to increase the spread of the Gospel. God and Paul both taught equality for men and women, as different but equal beings. God called men to lead in sacrificial love in the context of marriage.

A Legacy of Leadership

Jim Leffel
Genesis 45:4-8

Spiritual leaders look at difficult circumstances in their lives and ask how God is working in the situation to further His work and provide for them personally. Instead of hiding their weaknesses that are exposed by circumstances, spiritual leaders are vulnerable about their struggles and depend on God's Spirit to make them adequate to serve others. Lastly, spiritual leaders have trust in God's sovereign plan for them, and they seek God's glory above their own. These qualities create an opportunity to leave a powerful legacy for generations of Christians to follow.

Character that Counts - Fleeing Lust & Pursuing Righteousness

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 2:19-26

God's standards for leadership in the church are centered around godly character. Spiritual gifts, ministry skills, and calling are useless in the life of a leader without character, and God wants to integrate who we are with how we live as we grow in our relationship with Him. This integration happens only when Christians understand the proper motivation for change and pursue a life of others-centered, sacrificial love. God also calls Christian leaders to be patient and humble in correcting people in their lives who are seeking change since they too are learning what it looks like to follow God. A video testimony from Jim Dorado was included.

A Call to Diligence; Wielding the Sword Accurately

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 3:14-19

Timothy's church was facing a unique form of false teaching that combined mystical Judaism with popular Greek philosophy, and Paul commanded Timothy to handle the word of God accurately as a result. This command is not just relevant for Timothy though - modern believers face similar teaching and must be able to accurately interpret and explain God's Word to those questioning the Christian faith. These skills can be developed through diligence and intentional study of the Bible, and when they are combined with personal experience of the Holy Spirit, Christians can thrive and serve others more effectively.

Sermon on the Plain (Part 2): False Teachers

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6

Jesus teaches his audience the need for spiritual discernment in light of false teachers. False teachers have teachings that don't match scripture, use their authority for selfish gain, aren't accountable to others, lie about ministry, and pursue wealth. As Christians, we should expect false teachings and learn how to discern when they are in our midst, while looking to follow those who model servant leadership like Jesus and live out his Word.

How to Fall Prey to Spiritual Deception

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 11:1-21

The Corinthian Christians are being spiritually deceived, and Paul is motivated by godly jealousy to intervene. We are in the same situation today--spiritual deception is just as real, and spiritual intervention is just as important. If you want to avoid spiritual deception, pay primary attention to the objective content of the message. Those of us who are successfully avoiding spiritual deception have a responsibility to provide authentic spiritual direction for others! Be like Paul--be able to exemplify these qualities!

Principles of Christian Financial Giving (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 8:1-15

The Corinthians evidently made a generous commitment financially to the Christians in Jerusalem but started to back away from their commitment. Paul writes to motivate them to make good on their giving and reminds them of several key theological principles of Christian financial giving. Giving is a response to God's grace. Giving is an acknowledgment that we are God's stewards. Giving is an essential component of Christian spirituality. This area of our Christian life is easy to try to wall off from God and say He has no business there. But when we have been given everything through our salvation because of Christ's death, how can we tell God that our worldly resources are too sacred to part with?

Two Visions Of Leadership

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 20:17-28

This passage shows the contrast between human leadership and Jesus' leadership. Jesus' leadership involves laying down his life for others and service while human leadership involves getting power for ourselves. Two central issues are raised: 1) We should be willing to follow Christ's leadership, and 2) We should learn to imitate Jesus in our leadership roles.\r\n

Replicating Home Groups (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:12

Since the beginning of Xenos Christian Fellowship the philosophy of ministry has always been growth through home groups. The first thing you need to have a successful home group movement is leaders. Leaders are raised up through discipleship relationships creating duplication over a substantial period of time. You must make sure that your leaders are equipped in these areas: law and grace, sanctification, hermeneutics, Bible study method, theology proper, Satanology, apologetics, witnessing, ecclesiology, ministry, relational maturity, and in their understanding of the ministries of the Spirit and person of Christ.