Patriarchy or Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5

Throughout various religions and church history, there have been misrepresentations of marriage roles between men and women. Instead, God's design for roles within relationships is servant love, a commitment to the betterment of the other person. Growing Christians realize that trying to have control and power within relationships, in particular within marriage, isn't the key. Instead, developing love and humility to radically serve the other partner is the key. Biblical submissiveness for wives is a willingness to be served and led towards God by their husband as they ultimately submit to Christ's leadership.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 3)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

One aspect of being at peace with God is being at peace with all people through conflict resolution. Godly conflict resolution brings glory to Him and allows for His power and wisdom to be demonstrated. As we go before God, He is able to show us ways we're at fault amidst conflict and ways in which He is able to be glorified through conflict resolution.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

Our new identity in Christ allows us to see real character change. As we move away from the old way of life we used to live before knowing God, we can see transformation in the ways we consider areas such as work ethic, speech, and resolving conflict. When we encounter real peace with God through Christ, we are able to see that God's Will includes being at peace with others as we live out of our new identity.

Life in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

The purpose for the Body of Christ is to have individual members working together to grow in love in order to bring glory to God. When this happens, Christians are able to see spiritual growth in their lives, allowing them to discern truth versus false doctrine. As a result of the growing maturity and depth within the Body of Christ, sharing Christ's love becomes more and more crucial and new people are able to experience God's love.

Achieving the Experience of Unity

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

The central importance of Christian community is how to achieve and cultivate God-given unity. This is possible for all believers, who have each been indwelt by the same Holy Spirit. Preserving relational unity within Christian community requires humility, love, and forbearance. As we make efforts to grow the unity we have in Christ, God's church is able to flourish in its witness to those who don't know God.

Focus of Faith (Part 1)

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 13:1-4

The author of Hebrews affirms the idea that love is the main focus of the Christian life, extending to insiders, outsiders, and even to the oppressed. Another crucial component of healthy spiritual love is striving for marriage and sexuality according to God's design. This teaching includes a video testimony from Brian Gardner about overcoming hidden sin in his marriage.

Serving Love in the Body of Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 5:11-15

In 1 Thessalonians 5:11-15 we cover five more aspects of ministry that are imperative for a body of Christ to be effective: 1) encourage one another; 2) admonish one another; 3) care for the weak; 4) exercise patience with one another; and 5) continue to show God's grace to each another. A community rich in those traits will thrive: members will grow spiritually and feel an extraordinary sense of belonging; their unity will also be an effective witness of God's love toward non-Christians.

The Seeker Small Group

Mark Ashton
1 Thessalonians 5:11-15

Mark gives practical instruction to start and lead successful seeker small groups in order to help others learn about Jesus. These begin with pre-evangelism, purposing to help get people interested in Jesus. There is a wide range of flexibility in what these can look like but they all have the same intent; to invite already established relationships to a place that is comfortable. Mark's simple strategy involves three steps involving prayer: 1) relationships; 2) invitation; and 3) implementation. He explains ten irrefutable laws of seeker groups that give direction in starting one. He gives many resources to help facilitate people at all stages of interest.\r\n

Working with At-Risk Youth

Scott Arnold
Luke 4:18-19

Working with at-risk teens requires hope, faith, and love. Arnold lays out why we should work with at-risk teens, what an at-risk teen is, a deficit approach, and how we can help. Understanding where these kids come from is key. God loves these kids and so should we. The things they lack are things God offers us and can change the trajectory of their future. The biggest needs are for love relationships, initiative, and grace. Only with God is change possible.\r\n