The Church at Laodicea

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 3:14-22

The church at Laodicea was not being rebuked for being wealthy, but for having an attitude of not needing anything due to their great wealth. When in fact they were spiritually destitute. Everything they had was from God, but they did not see that. The had become proud and forgot who really provided for them. In the US, we are the wealthiest country that has ever been. Instead of trying to become less wealthy, we should change our beliefs about wealth. The promise of wealth that it can meet our deepest needs is false. Jesus says to change our minds about wealth's false promises and in stead zealously believe Jesus' true promises to meeting our deepest needs beyond what we can imagine.

God's View on Work

Ryan Lowery
1 Thessalonians 4:9-12

God wants good things for us, and one of those good things is productive work. The world's view of work is that it is primarily about making money to acquire comfort and material possessions, whereas God's view is that work gives us an opportunity to contribute to our community, use our God-given abilities, help bear the burden of others, and honor God. In this teaching Ryan also offers guidance for those who are unemployed and for those who are unsatisfied with their jobs.

The Deeper Problem

Mike Sullivan
James 4:1-10

The danger all Christians are susceptible to is being driven primarily by our sin nature. Although we were given a new spiritual nature, our sin nature did not go away at conversion. When we fall in love with the 'kosmos' we are operating in Satan's domain. His value system is designed to lure us away from God. When hearts are more in love with the world than we are in love with Jesus, we are giving in to our sin nature. James, in Chapter Four, explains the greater grace God has given us to combat the pleasures that wars within us. It begins with humbling our hearts and drawing near to a gracious God.

The Perils of Wealth

Ryan Lowery
James 5:1-6

In chapter 5, James describes the mature believer as one who understands the perils of wealth. This teaching discusses the common pitfalls that affluence brings.

Final Week Collisions

Dennis McCallum
Mark 11:15-33

Toward the end of his life, Jesus somewhat violently confronts those selling "acceptable" sacrifices at the Temple, who were actually profiting off people's desire to sincerely seek out God. As a result, the religious leaders started to plot how to kill Jesus. Through an exchange in Mark 11, Jesus calls out and upends their insincere questions, which were, in fact, designed to trap Jesus.

The Seductive Delusion of Wealth

Chris Hearty
James 5:1-6

James warns his readers of the spiritually seductive nature of wealth that can draw our hearts away from God. Not that being wealthy is a sin, but rather it becomes a problem when we have improper attitudes toward it. In order to protect our hearts, we should heed James' warning, be generous, and remember where true riches are found.

When the Church Becomes a Battlefield

Chris Hearty
John 16:24

Are not the sources of quarrels within the church due to believers not recognizing their position of neediness? We do not have because we do not ask. We allow our desires to have mastery over ourselves. This leads to adultery against God; We cheat on God by turning our affections and attention away from God and towards ourselves and the world. \r\nThe solution is to turn to God's grace, and resist the devil. Draw near to God and turn away from from the temptations of the world. And finally, humble yourself before the Lord and He will exalt you.\r\n

Finding Peace:The Secret of Contentment

Chris Hearty
Proverbs 30:8

Contentment is Dynamic, Developed and Divine. Paul spoke of contentment that was not based on circumstances but on something real and solid: God's strength working through him. The good life we all long for begins not when circumstances change but when our attitude toward them changes. The ability to be grateful for what we already have, in spite of our circumstances, is the secret to contentment.

Being a "Doer":Inclusiveness and Compassion

Dennis McCallum
James 2:1-13

God calls us to not show personal favoritism. We are not to make distinctions between ourselves based on race or gender or wealth or any other factor. When we do not take our identity from God, we create an arbitrary identity focused on being important in some way and not on loving others. People are equal because they are created in the image of God.