Reacting to Jesus

Mike Sullivan
Mark 10:32-12:34

As Jesus arrives in Jerusalem just prior to His crucifixion, He is fulfilling prophecy of the Messiah.  There are differing reactions to Him.  The crowds celebrate Him, while the religious leaders grumble and reject Him.

Preparing the Way

Mike Sullivan
Mark 1:1-11

John the Baptist, the "voice crying in the wilderness," was prophesied to come and prepare the way of the Messiah.  He came, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.  He prepared the way by preparing people's hearts, signaling something important was about to happen, by speaking of a greater successor, and  introducing a new kind of baptism, a baptism of the Holy Spirit.

Judging Jesus

Scott Risley
John 7:1-52

Who is Jesus? A good man?  A deceiver?  A demon-processed man? Or is He the Messiah He claimed to be who can give rivers of living water to anyone who believes in Him?  Search the Scriptures for yourself and see!

Does Jesus Speak for God?

Dennis McCallum
John 7:1-52

Every person must decide on the identity of Jesus.  Was He a good man? Was He a deceiver? Was He insane? Or was He who He said He was, the Messiah?  Not making a decision IS making a decision!

The Debate Over Jesus of Nazareth

James Rochford
John 7:1-43

Since Jesus made bold claims to be God, every person must decide if Jesus was just a good moral teacher, or if he was a liar, or merely insane, or was He who He claimed to be?

The Woman at the Well

James Rochford
John 4:1-42

The lesson of the woman at the well teaches us that the message of Christ is for anyone and He can quench your thirst.  He can use anyone in spite of their past because He knows not just your past but your future as well.

True Satisfaction

Brian Adams
John 4:1-42

We all take many different paths seeking satisfaction and meaning in life, but true satisfaction only comes from knowing and following God.  We may think our sin disqualifies us from knowing God, but Jesus is never surprised by our sin.  He is always pursuing us.