Faith vs. FAITH

Dennis McCallum
John 4:46-54

Growing in faith works the same today as it did in Jesus' time.  A seeking person hears the Word of God and believes and takes a step of faith.  God confirms His Word and the seeker's faith grows bigger.

Don't Settle for Water

James Rochford
John 2:1-11

In our fallen nature, we prefer a formalistic relationship with God.  It is easier to perform rituals than to deeply relate to our Creator on a personal level.  But Jesus' very first miracle of turning water into wine is a sign to us that He is against formalism and wants instead a personal, love-relationship with His followers.

The Wedding at Cana

Dennis McCallum
John 2:1-11

When Jesus turned the water into wine, the miracle was a sign to turn away from external ritualistic washing of the outside of the body and toward being internally washed clean by God through Jesus.