How Should the Church Spend Its Money?

Scott Risley
1 Timothy 5:3-23

The Bible calls us to be generous and use discernment. There were many in need in Timothy's church, mostly widows, and Paul teaches Timothy what qualifications there are to receive official aid from the church. Any generosity towards the need should not make them feel dependent on that aid, and our motivation for giving should not be from guilt but from our gratitude towards God.

The Spiritual Use of Money

Dennis McCallum
1 Timothy 5:1-25

Paul engages in the practical needs of the church, specifically in the financial ways that the church can help widows. This example helps us today to understand how we as Christians can help the poor, which is important to God's own heart. Teaching refers to Robert Lupton's book Toxic Charity, supplying facts for some of the ineffectiveness of the church's financial attempts to help the poor. Overall, how the church uses its money and resources are a critical and important witness to the world.

The Two Foundations

Jim Leffel
Matthew 7:24-27

How do you know your foundation? Jesus speaks on the lives of people who build their foundation; either those who live by his words, or those whose foundation is on shifting sands that can't hold up to lifes' turmoil. Are you building your foundation on your possessions or on your status? We can build on a foundation of rock which is based on God's love, truth, and grace. Audio of Bob Dylans' ?A Hard Rain's A-Gonna Fall?.

The Father's Treasure

Jim Leffel
1 Thessalonians 2:19-20

Is money spiritually neutral? We look at warnings of having your heart serve wealth in this life, and guidance on areas including anxiety and faith. We look at aspects of what spiritual rewards and treasures God has given us, how to put God first, and his people as the true treasure of the master that we serve.

Letters to the Churches Part 3

Scott Risley
Revelation 3:7-4:2

We look at the final two churches John addresses in this letter. Jesus opened a door of opportunity for the church in Philadelphia to play a role in His plan. On the other hand, Jesus patiently knocks on the door waiting to be let in by people who have shut him out. The people in the church in Laodicea are called out as being the worst of the seven churches. Their deeds were useless and their riches had zapped their love for God. God offers us all a way to become spiritually rich through His son who waits for us patiently.

Unshakeable Contentment

Ryan Lowery
Philippians 4:12-22

Paul expresses his gratitude to the Philippians for their generosity to support him financially. He expresses his ability to learn contentment in whatever the circumstances. Four principles are seen that have helped Paul be content: 1) being grateful for what he has; 2) remembering wealth is not a means to an end; 3) actively guarding the heart against greed; and 4) understanding generosity as a means to worship God.

The Shrewd Manager

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 16:1-12

Jesus' parable of the shrewd manager reflects a few principles regarding our resources: 1) as Christians, we are are managers of God's resources; 2) our ability to manage God's resources will end soon; and 3) we can enjoy eternity in heaven more as we give generously in the present. It is of high importance that God's resources are seen as His resources, not ours, if we are to be effective in managing them until Jesus comes back.

The Unrighteous Manager

Ryan Lowery
Luke 16:1-14

In context, Jesus commends the unrighteous manager of his parable for his cleverness. Jesus' point is obviously not to promote stealing, but rather the clever use of money. While money is temporary, relationships are permanent. Followers of Christ should use money wisely for eternal purposes.

Wisdom Wealth and Poverty

Scott Risley
Proverbs 23:20-21

Wealth is a prominent theme throughout Proverbs. In fact, Proverbs says the most about wealth and poverty than any other book in the Bible. Various proverbs, observations, and principles on why some people are wealthy while others remain impoverished are discussed. Proverbs also warns us about greed. Teachings from the New Testament regarding the dangers of wealth are included. Listeners are encouraged to read Ron Sider's book "Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger" for more insight on the issue of poverty.