Excellent Behavior

Ben Foust
1 Peter 2:11-25

Peter advises the church how to respond when being slandered. Rather than retaliate, he tells them to live such good lives that their critics' accusations fall flat and people may come to faith in Christ. Likewise, believers today can show Jesus' love to the world by what we do.

Being Different

Ben Foust
1 Peter 1:13-23

Since Christians are now children of God living as "resident aliens" on earth, whose true home is heaven, Peter charges us to be different than the world around us. We should be holy and not conformed, have a reverent fear of the Lord, enjoy freedom from sin, and be generous.

God and Government

Dennis McCallum
Romans 13:1-7

How does Jesus view the government? This tricky topic is covered in Romans 13 where Paul explains how Christians are to submit to governing authorities to an extent.

Applying Isaiah's Anonymous Servant Passages

Gary DeLashmutt
Isaiah 53

Many Christians are aware that Isaiah 42, 49, 50, and 53 predict Jesus' first coming. Few realize, however, that the New Testament also applies these passages to Jesus' followers. This workshop explores these applications so that believers can become more effective servants of the Servant.\r\n

The High Cost of Following Jesus

Joe Byler
Isaiah 53

Many Christians fall under two traps: 1) legalism - that following Jesus is a list of "do's" and "don'ts" or 2) forgetting or ignoring that Jesus wants to transform your life. This is a sort of "gospel crisis." The truth is that Jesus wants his Gospel to deeply transform our lives as we commit to him. What does it mean to follow Jesus with our lives? We will look at Jesus' call to discipleship and both the difficulties and fulfillment that following his call leads to.

Joshua's Decision

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 12:1-2

Joshua's challenge to his people is to join him in setting themselves apart for God--a call that is still made to Christians today. Putting yourself under God's leadership is reasonable and proper, since God is greater than His enemies, has a significant role for each person in His plan, and always keeps His promises. Additionally, the Bible says God is a "jealous" god, meaning He wants us to worship Him and Him alone. This is for our good, because we were created to live completely set apart for Him. If we have made the decision to receive God's free gift of forgiveness through Christ, we should also make the decision to give our whole life to Him as described in Romans 12:1-2. Joshua's description of this is to "fear the Lord"--respecting Him supremely--and willingly.

Crossing the Jordan

Josh Benadum
Joshua 4:8-24

In order to continue to conquer the land of the Canaanites, the Israelites had to cross the Jordan River, which was a dangerous prospect and a great unknown. It represented a defining moment--something that all of us experience as we are faced with the choice to invite Christ into our life, deciding to live for Him, facing major opposition, speaking up for God, or making a major life decision. This passage teaches us strategies for dealing with these times, including preparing ourselves, letting God lead, taking the first step of faith He asks, and then remembering and sharing what you learn.

Intro to Joshua

Dennis McCallum
Numbers 14:1-45

When God presents the people of Israel the chance to take the promised land, they hesitate because they see the task to attack and take the land as intimidating because of the size of their opponent. We often face a decision to trust God's promises or to base our decision on our own powers or assessment of the situation. When we take our own counsel it seems reasonable, but it becomes progressively corrosive to our faith. Despite Joshua and Caleb's call to obey God, the people ended up acting on their own strength and failed, and this will be the case for us. Decisions of unbelief may lead to permanent damage, although God always welcomes us back to Him.

Goals and Grace

James Rochford
Matthew 25:24-29

Paul uses athletic imagery to encourage Christians to reach for more in their walks with God. He indicates that rewards await us in heaven as we strive and succeed in our work for God. This teaching covers godly reasons for setting realistic goals and working hard to meet them in your walk with God.