Run with Endurance

Patrice McCormac
Hebrews 12:1-3

The book of Hebrews describes the life of a Christian as being that of "running the race." While God has a meaningful race for everyone to run, entry into the race depends on us receiving God's gift of forgiveness. This passage calls us to run the race with endurance, only possible if we drop "excess baggage" that will sap our strength, including sin and an over-dependence and love of distractions.

Readiness to Suffer

Ben Foust
1 Peter 4:1-17

Peter seeks to encourage a group of Christians who are undergoing a "fiery ordeal"--persecution for their decision to follow Christ. Peter acknowledges that the will of God may involve suffering, but it will bring us to the purpose that God has created us for--helping reconcile the world to God--and should not be resisted or come as a surprise. We can embrace it with joy, knowing it will refine us and our faith.

Four Steps Toward Spiritual Progress

Chris Hearty
Philippians 3:10-16

The four steps toward spiritual progress begins with desiring to know Jesus better and more intimately, to know the power of his resurrection, to share in his sufferings and to be like him in his death. The second step involves a single-minded, focused pursuit of Jesus. The third step is to break form the power of the past whether feeling guilt or nostalgia for it. Learn from it, don't live in it. The final step is to respond to God's guidance whether from personal prayer, or bible study, or from the fellowship of mature believers.

Five Ways to Experience God's Power

James Rochford
Philippians 3:9-15

When Paul talks about the power of the resurrection, he is not referring to life after death but the actual power that can raise the dead. This same power is also what fuels spiritual growth. The five ways to experience God's power in spiritual growth is 1. Share in Jesus' suffering, 2. Forget what happened in the past, 3. Reach forward, 4. Press on and 5. Respond to God's guidance. God changes lives; will you respond to his invitation?

Pressing on Toward the Goal

Scott Risley
Philippians 3:10-16

Paul longs to experience the power of Jesus' resurrection, not the resurrection to eternal life, but the resurrection power of living a victorious life. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to us to live a life for Jesus, but it requires sharing in his suffering. As we allow suffering to strip away our self-sufficiency it allows God's power to shine through us to his glory.

Forward From Here

Dennis McCallum
Philippians 3:10-16

The afterlife is what makes this life have any sense at all. If you are a billionaire in this life, it only lasts for the blink of an eye in light of eternity. If we understand where we are headed in eternity, it should dramatically influence how we live, the choices we make, the attitudes we adopt. We will accept suffering, forget what lies behind, reach forward to what lies ahead, press on, and have an eternal perspective.

Taking a Stand

James Rochford
Philippians 1:27-30

Standing for Christ by standing firm in one spirit and of one mind makes sense because the mission is eternal and therefore worth the sacrifice. Our real citizenship is in heaven and we will be there relatively soon and for ever. Christian community for its own sake is fruitless. It must be in the context of a common mission of sacrificial servant love. Is it difficult? Yes, but so worth it!

United We Stand

Scott Risley
Philippians 1:27-2:4

As Christian's, we carry dual citizenship of both heaven and a hostile, earthly world. We are under fire here, while we wait for heaven. Paul calls the Philippians, and us, to stand firm, and strive together, remembering who we are and why we are here. We are united in faith in Christ, as we hold forth the Good News

Filled to Overflowing

Jim Leffel
Romans 15:13

God wants to fill us so completely that we overflow with peace and joy in abundance. Just like Paul's Roman audience, modern Christians live stress-filled lives that leave us too often feeling depleted, running on empty. The answer to feeling empty is to thirst for God. As you trust in him, he will fill you to overflowing with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.