Spiritual Growth under Trial

Dennis McCallum
James 1:1-8

Spiritual growth under trial takes a believer from the point of having begun a relationship with God to the level of a mature, strong follower who God can use in advancing His plan in the world. A believer who lives out James' teaching will be able to actively practice gratitude in the midst of trials, gradually become incredibly stable, be shaped by brokenness so God can use him more, and become wise.

Lessons from the Life of Joseph

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 37-50

Joseph is sold by his jealous brothers into slavery in Egypt where he spends many years in prison for a crime he did not commit. Afterward, he rises to a top leadership position and is instrumental in saving not only many Egyptians, but his own family from a famine. From the story of Joseph and his brothers, we see that God has a plan for our life and is working to accomplish His goals, even though we may not see it from our limited perspective. We are challenged to act in faith and trust in God's promises, even in the midst of unanswered questions and suffering.

Walking with God through Suffering

James Rochford
James 1:1-11

James encourages the church to consider it joy when we face suffering. Not that we should be happy about our suffering, but rather times of suffering serve to test and refine our faith and can grow our character in ways not possible otherwise. However, in order to experience God's comfort and growth during suffering, we must have a mind to stand firm in faith during suffering and trust that God is at work.

The Apex of Abraham's Faith

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 22:1-14

The last study of Abraham's life describing the peak of his faith while on Mount Moriah with Isaac. There are at least three principles of God's dealing with Abraham that apply to us: 1) God will test our faith in Him; 2) God tests in order to bless ? never to harm, and 3) God will work through our obedience to advance His plan to bless others. Remarkable foreshadowing of Jesus' sacrifice two thousand years later at the same place is detailed.

God over All--Including Our Failures

Mike Woods
Genesis 22:1-14

Many important figures in the Bible experience failure and we can learn from their responses. In this teaching, different types of failure and different responses to them are discussed. Failure leads us to decide to depend on God or not. Learning God's Will helps us reconsider our definition of success.

Battling Discouragement in Ministry

Doug O'Malley
Genesis 22:1-14

A life dedicated to ministry requires perseverance. There are times of discouragement, deep pain, and failure. Whether it is seeing friends say no to God or facing our own personal weaknesses and failure, doing ministry is tough. How do we face setbacks and discouragement in ministry faithfully? How can we learn not to give up during times of discouragement but actually thrive and grow?

The Eternal Weight of Glory

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 22:1-14

The Christian life is described in the Bible as one which requires perseverance in a spiritual war. Gary DeLashmutt examines the connection between the eternal life and the endurance required in the Christian life. By increasingly anticipating life in Heaven with God, the current issues of this life are not eliminated, but put in proper perspective.

The Results of our Justification

Conrad Hilario
Romans 5:1-11

Paul outlines several results of our justification, including peace, hope, perseverance, and the ability to rejoice, even in suffering.

Persevering in Faith

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 3:3-19

The author of Hebrews warns his audience not to harden their hearts during difficult times, lest they not be able to enter God's rest. This passage is not talking about heaven, but rather experiencing the blessings and abundant life God wants to give us as we follow him. We can avoid hardening our hearts by spending quiet time listening to God, guarding our heart, giving generously, avoiding the trap of sin, and persevering to the end.