
Jim Leffel
Colossians 4:2-:6

Paul urges the Colossians to conduct themselves wisely as they spread God's message. To do this, we need to pray for others and develop genuine friendships with those who are lost. 

Jesus Prays

Dennis McCallum
John 17:1-26

As Jesus approaches His appointment with the cross, one last time, He Prays over his disciples a long, continuous prayer.

Principles for Persecution

Brian Adams
John 15:18-16:33

Jesus promised His disciples that they, too, would experience persecution, just as He did.  John lays out five principles to remember to sustain the Christian as he encounters the inevitable resistance of the world system against the message of the Gospel.

The Fruitful Life

Scott Risley
John 15:1-15

John describes three types of vines: those not in Christ, those in Christ but without fruit and those in Christ and bearing fruit.  Only those in Christ can bear fruit if they abide/remain in Him.

Faithfulness or Fruitfulness?

Brian Adams
John 15:1-15

In evangelism, is the point to be faithful or fruitful?  Many Christians are pained by a lack of fruit-bearing.  We will explore the tension of waiting on God, with working hard.

The Powerful Prayer Meeting

Keira Williamson
Colossians 4:2

"Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful" (Colossians 4:2).  Learn about the wonderful promises of prayer and how to have a vibrant and effective corporate prayer meeting.

God In Ethiopia

Lou Kassa
Romans 10:14-15

God is moving among the people groups of Northern Ethiopia through evangelism, discipleship and house-church planting.  Bethel Church went from 200 to 3,200 people in ten years.

Standing with the Global Church

Mike Woods
Romans 10:14-15

Most Christians live in the developing world where the Gospel is expanding.  Supporting the Global Church is more than what we can offer them; it is what they offer us!

Christ's Kingdom On Display

Lee Davis
Matthew 5:13-16

The Gospel of the Kingdom has a missional design-that we will reflect and proclaim Jesus' goodness to our neighbors and the nations.