Lessons on Prayer

Dennis McCallum
Acts 12:1-16

Peter the apostle is thrown into prison and eventually rescued by an angel of the Lord. We gather several principles from this story: 1) God doesn't promise to answer any and all prayers; 2) it's important to be persistent in prayer; 3) corporate prayer is also essential to the prayer life; 4) God wants us to approach Him in prayer; 5) pray within God's will?the object of our prayers is more important than the quantity of our prayers; 6) prayer is how we can relate to God personally; 7) learn to recognize, remember, and appreciate answered prayers.

Prayer for Intimate Knowledge of God

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 1:15-23

God wants us to have a deep and intimate knowledge of Himself. Paul prays specifically that the Ephesians would understand the hope in God's plan, the security in their inheritance, and God's power. We can pray for these same things, with confidence that God will reveal these things to us!\r\n\r\n

Leadership in Missions

Holly McCallum
Ephesians 1:15-23

As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called not only to share our faith at home but also abroad, as Jesus has a heart for all people and wants all people to come to know him. A good sign of a healthy church is one in which its members are both aware and excited about missions. For the most effective world missions, the church should be sending people who are already servant leaders and who have already gained ministry experience at home before attempting this in a more difficult field abroad. Today, we face challenges such as post-modernism which often views mission leaders as intolerant for trying to proclaim one truth to a people group and a self-focused approach to church. As believers who are being transformed by God into influencers, we can gain the proper equipping and attitude to overcome this and prioritize world missions. \r\n

Knowing Christ

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 3:20

Not only did God pay for our sins on the cross, but he also initiated a personal relationship with each human being. All we have to do is accept God's invitation and our whole eternity is changed. Paul said he counts everything as garbage compared to the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus his Lord.

Joy in Adversity

Dennis McCallum
Romans 8:28

Paul suffered countless times for the Lord, even during these times he was able to find joy in the love and purpose he received from the Lord. Paul constantly turned to his new identity and future eternal life as things to always be thankful for. God can use suffering in our lives to teach us things and to grow our faith.

What Does Belief Look Like?

Jim Leffel
Mark 9:14-29

What is the nature of true belief? This story about a doubting father is examined comparing his statement about his faith and doubt against responses he could have given to Jesus. The father didn't say, ?I can't believe because I have my doubts.? Doubt is not a sin, and true faith is possible even in the midst of doubt. God values the willingness to engage with Him regardless of how confident we feel in our faith. Prayer is a means to access God's power in times of doubt.\r\n

Loving Others with our Gifts

Dennis McCallum
Hebrews 10:24-25

The spiritual gifts that God has given us are meant to be used for the edification of the church. God has given some the gift of tongues which is personally edifying, and only edifying for the church when there is an interpreter. God still works powerfully in our world today, but He doesn't work miracles to help people in a quest for self promotion, His power is given to edify and embolden the Body of Christ.

Making the Most of the "Lord's Prayer"

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 6:7-15

Life in God's kingdom is different from religion. Jesus teaches his followers how to truly pray. Instead of reciting empty words needlessly, God wants us to connect with him. As we take time to understand who God is, what He has done, and who we are before him, we can pray in a genuine and real way.

Two Different Forms of Spirituality

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 6:1-18

Next in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks to the religious elite. Addressing things commonly viewed as giving piety, and turning them upside down. Instead of doing things to gain peoples' admiration and favor, we should live for an audience of one. God wants a real relationship with us, not for us to merely go through the motions.