Spiritual Lessons from Paul's Associates

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 4:7-17

A study of the associates of Paul who ministered with him can reveal many spiritual lessons. Three lessons we can learn from his fellow-workers in Christ are behind-the-scenes ministry roles are essential, our God is the God of second chances and intercessory prayer is a powerful ministry.

Drawing Near to God

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 84

Drawing near to God is important because God's presence is our true home. Being near to God strengthens us and is our greatest treasure. We need to come near to God in the way He has designated. We commune with God through petition and praise, and both in private and with others.

Embracing a Lifestyle of Love:Toward Non-Christians Part 2

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 4:2-6

Showing God's love to non-Christians through our attitudes and actions involves sharing God's love through our words about Jesus. It First of all, pray for God to open doors for you to share the truth of God's love and for wisdom in how to make the most of opportunities. Always use gracious speech.

Paul and Pressing On to the End

Patrice McCormac
2 Timothy 4:9-22

In Paul's last imprisonment, just before he was to be executed, he asks Timothy to bring his books when he comes. In his last days Paul continued to have a spiritual mindset. He asked for help from a godly friend. He kept serving even in prison by ministering to the believers not in prison with him. He stayed in the Word. He entrusted himself to the Lord and he kept in close contact with Him.

Don't Give Up

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 1:1-7

Paul encourages Timothy to rekindle the spiritual gift he received from God. Perhaps fear was causing Timothy to shrink back from the mission God had entrusted to him. Paul, confident in Timothy's faith, reminds him he did not receive a spirit of fear but of power, love and sound mind. The sufferings of Paul and Timothy should encourage us as we see how they did not let fear stop them from accomplishing all God had for them to do.

Responding to Our Fears

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Chronicles 20:1-27

When King Jehoshaphat heard a great multitude was bearing down on Judah, His first response was fear but his second response was to turn to the Lord in prayer. His prayer focused on God's sovereignty and faithfulness. He acknowledged their utter helplessness and awaited God's direction. God responded with fortification and direction. Jehoshaphat responded in obedience to God's direction even though it it was a very scary step of faith. God spectacularly delivered them from their fears by defeating the armies arrayed against them as all of Judah stood by and watched.

Six Ways to Lead a Tough Church

James Rochford
1 Timothy 4:1-16

Paul gives Timothy six ways to lead a tough church undergoing attack by false teachers who promote doctrines of demons. Timothy is directed: to stay well-fed by the Word, to work hard, to become what he wants to see, to lead with his Bible, to exploit the spiritual gift in him, and to trust that God will use him. God is not a harsh task-master. He will work on one area needing improvement at a time. What is one area you need to grow in?

Can Women Lead or Teach?

Chris Hearty
1 Timothy 2:1-15

Paul addresses some controversy in the church at Ephesus by instructing Timothy to rein in the heresies some women were spreading. The very early seeds of Gnosticism were beginning to take root. Paul was not forbidding women to lead or teach but for the women at that time to stop spreading myths and pagan mystery religions.

The Devotional Life

Ben Foust
Mark 1:32-39

Psalm 32 says, "You (God) are my hiding place." Every Christian needs to develop a devotional life where they retreat regularly to connect with God. The Christian life is a constant launching out in service and ministry and returning back to recharge, to retreat to safety, to be reinvigorated to launch out again. Having a 'secret life' is a game-changer for our ministry, our relationships and our spiritual vitality and longevity.