The New Birth

Gary DeLashmutt
John 3:1-20

When approached by Nicodemus, Jesus teaches about the new birth: an event that enables us to enter and perceive God's kingdom. Jesus makes it clear that each and every person needs this new birth. God makes rebirth available through His Son's death on the cross and it is received by faith in Jesus, no amount of works are sufficient. Even though the message is simple and just, many people refuse it out of a prideful moral fear of their life being changed and their sins being exposed.

3 Examples of Faith

Ryan Lowery
Luke 7:36-50

The Biblical definition of faith means trusting and living out God's promises and priorities. In the example of the Roman centurion, Jesus proves that faith trumps demographics. Simon the Pharisee judged Jesus rather than seeing his own failure. Finally, the sinful woman let nothing stand between her and meeting Christ, and as a result, found forgiveness from him.

The Heart of Pharaoh and the Hand of God

Scott Risley
Exodus 7:3-10:29

The first nine plagues are unleashed on Egypt. They powerfully demonstrate that Yahweh is superior to the Egyptian gods and the Egyptians will be held accountable for their harsh treatment of the Israelites. Understanding God's unlimited power gives us a deeper appreciation for the love God demonstrated by allowing human beings to crucify his son Jesus.

The Good Shepherd

Jim Leffel
John 10:1-17

Jesus teaches he is a good shepherd and his people are like sheep. The shepherd lays down his life for the sheep and calls the sheep to listen and follow. The question we have to answer is whose voice are we listening to? We have many options for what we will prioritize in life. Do we prioritize what God has called us to? God said he has called us to an abundant life but often we think our plans are better.\r\n

I Was Blind But Now I See

Jim Leffel
John 9:1-41

Linear thinking leads to a question concerning fault for a man born blind. Jesus explains that no fault or sin caused the man's blindness and then heals him. This encounter teaches that religious people are often blind to their need for God and those who are sick or suffering usually see their need.

Overcoming Obstacles to Love Relationship: An Ungrateful Spirit

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 4:8

Paul practiced and taught gratitude as a key ingredient in finding true joy in our relationship with God. Humans naturally are often entitled and we need to fight to count our blessings. Expressing gratitude to God and other people can be a very satisfying and life changing practice.

Jesus' First Signs

Jim Leffel
John 2:1-25

John explains some of Jesus' first signs. These physical signs demonstrate underlying spiritual truths. These signs point to Jesus and the life he offers. The miracle of turning water into wine symbolizes Jesus' transformation of religion into a relationship. The cleansing of the temple symbolizes the true nature of Jesus' presence in the world.

Spiritual Confidence

Jess Lowery
John 2:1-25

Spiritual confidence is not about being confident of our own abilities (pride). Rather, spiritual confidence is rooted in who God is and is reflected in a Christian's humility that doesn't sway to being man-centered or super-spiritual. Christians can have true confidence in knowing that their all-powerful and omniscient God is in control.

Wisdom in the Business of Life

Jim Leffel
James 4:13-17

James teaches how to gain wisdom and live by it. The issue he brings up is our attitude in making important non-moral decisions. It's foolish to only consider ones own thoughts and desires which results in anxiety and isolation. Rather than follow our own foolish tendencies we can make the decision to gain wisdom from God in all areas of our life. Through our conscience, biblical values, and considering others, God reveals the best path for our lives. God has a unique will for each believers life. Our lives can make a radical contribution if we're willing to follow Him.\r\n