The Seventy Sevens

Dennis McCallum
Nehemiah 2:1-8

This passage covers one of the most incredible prophecies in the entire Bible. It covers when the Messiah will be killed for all of human sin. Hear how God not only exists but gives evidence for His existence.

Seventy Sevens

Conrad Hilario
Daniel 9:1-25

God gives Daniel a prophecy which accurately predicts the date of Jesus' crucifixion to the very year, hundreds of years before it occurred. Such unique, objective evidence for the reliability of the Bible as God's written word bolsters our faith and gives us the confidence to entrust ourselves to Jesus as our savior.

Predicting the Date of Jesus? Death

James Rochford
Nehemiah 2:1-8

The prophet, Daniel, makes a miraculous prediction of when the Messiah will come "to put an end to sin." This amazing prophecy was fulfilled in the person of Christ, hundreds of years after it was made, as he died just when Daniel predicted.

Seventy 'Sevens'

Scott Risley
Nehemiah 2:1-8

In the first year of Darius' reign, Daniel says that he was reading about how the prophet Jeremiah said that Jerusalem would stay destroyed for seventy years before it could be restored. God has given us predictive prophecy in his word especially related to his Son, Jesus. This study is one of the greatest prophecies predicting the coming of Jesus Christ as the Savior, what He would do and that He would be killed and it predicts it to the very year, 33AD. We'll do the math from evidence in Scripture as well as extra-biblical sources to see this.

Two More Beasts

Dennis McCallum
Luke 21:20-24

Daniel has another vision. This vision includes more beasts that represent the different nations that eventually took over Israel, but are these predictive prophecies still coming true today? This teaching will answer that question along with showing whether or not we can trust in the promises of God.

Two Remarkable Predictions

Conrad Hilario
Amos 9:14-15

God gives Daniel detailed predictions of future events, some of which have already come to pass, and others that are yet to be fulfilled in the end times. We see how God uses prophecy to show he is real, bolster our faith, and give us confidence in His written word.

The Four Beasts and The Little Horn

Scott Risley
Daniel 7:1-25

While Belshazzar was still king of Babylon, Daniel had "visions of the night", which he wrote down. He describes how he saw the four winds blowing on the ocean. Four different beasts come up from the sea; a lion, a bear, a leopard with four bird wings, and the fourth beast is the worst and most terrible with teeth made of iron. It also has ten horns from which one little horn pops up and knocks out three of the other horns. The little horn has human eyes and speaks arrogantly from its mouth. We will look at types, types of Christ, and the Antichrist.

The Old Testament Antichrist

James Rochford
Isaiah 11:11-12

Only God can tell us the future before it even happens. In Daniel we see God prophesy Antiochus Epiphanes IV as a foreshadowing of the end times antichrist. God validates who He is and gives undeniable evidence through prophecy. In Isaiah, we see God predict a historically unique event; the Jewish nation being regathered and put back in the land if Israel.

Climax of Human History

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 17:9-12

God reveals to Daniel the future course of history, accurately predicting the Greek and Roman empires, as well as foretelling the events of the end of human history yet to come. When we trust in Jesus, we can have hope and security, even in the midst of such turbulent times.