Peter's Last Words

Dennis McCallum
2 Peter 1:12-21

Peter writes to remind his readers that he and his companions were witness to the transfiguration, which sustained him even years later. The whole reason for this revelation was to rescue people and build them up. The reasons we are able to believe in the events that happened are through: 1) testimony of the apostles under torture, 2) predictive prophecy, and 3) the uniqueness of the Bible.

Jesus: the Fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy

Jeff Gordon
John 12:12-30

Jesus' whole life was a fulfillment of several different prophecies. He intentionally entered Jerusalem riding on a donkey to fulfill a prophecy in Zechariah 9:9. This was one of the only prophecies about his life that he could have controlled. His choice to enter Jerusalem this way declared to the world that he was the Messiah as predicted.

Hanukkah, The Messiah and a Great Gift

Jeff Gordon
John 10:22-42

Jesus reveals the Jews' unbelief. They ask him to tell them plainly if he is the Messiah and then threaten to stone him for claiming to be God. The Messiah the Jews were (and still are) looking for is not the suffering servant that Jesus was during his first coming. Instead, they expected a conquering king messiah. Jesus offers salvation for all who believe in him as a sacrifice for their sins.

The Transfiguration

Ryan Lowery
Luke 9:20-36

At the transfiguration, Moses and Elijah appear as Jesus' glory is revealed by God to some of his disciples. This proves that Jesus is the chosen Messiah and the culmination of God's plan. While Jesus has no equal, and is the ultimate king, he also dies willingly to save his subjects.

Crossing Paths on the Road of Life

Jim Leffel
Isaiah 53:7-11

Phillip is given a divine appointment on a desert road. He responds and finds an Ethiopian eunuch searching for truth in Isaiah 53. Phillip is able to explain the relevance and significance of this passage, and the eunuch comes to Christ! The Holy Spirit will lead us to divine appointment too, to the "crossroads of time and eternity". Will you walk down that road? \r\n\r\n

Who Do You Say I Am?

Ryan Lowery
Isaiah 52:13-54:1

Jesus turns the attention of his disciples to a crucial question: who is Jesus? Christ puts himself over and above a prophet or a good teacher. Instead, Jesus fulfills many Old Testament prophecies to prove that he is the Christ. Every person has a choice to be saved, and then to entrust their lives to Jesus by becoming his disciple.\r\n\r\n

Jesus' Early Ministry

Ryan Lowery
Luke 4:31-44

In Jesus' early ministry, he makes it clear that he is the savior and Messiah foretold in the Old Testament. He proves his claims of spiritual authority through miraculous signs. Ultimately, Jesus demonstrated that he came to save us from slavery to sin, and that he has the power to do so.

It is Finished!

Jim Leffel
John 19:17-37

It is impossible to overstate the importance of the cross as far as the focus of the Bible, and the focus of the Christian life, go. By stating "It is finished," Jesus indicates that his work on Earth is done, the Scriptures predicting his death are fulfilled, and that our debt to God is paid in full. As the primary message of the Bible, the fact of the cross demands a response - either to be offended or turned off from the reality that we needed Christ's sacrifice, or to accept Christ's death as a payment for our own sins.

Intro To Luke - The Messianic Expectation

Ryan Lowery
Malachi 4:4-6

The first coming of Christ took place at a unique time of Jewish history. As a nation chosen by God, the Jewish people had inherited many promises, including that of a Messiah that would serve as savior and king. Over the course of history, Israel had been divided and subjugated under Roman rule. Ultimately, there are 5 important lessons from the historical context of Luke: 1) God is active in human events; 2) the events leading up to Christ are evidence of God; 3) a gospel is a biography of God; 4) God works in unexpected ways; and 5) we can rely on what God has told us in the past.