Reason-Based Faith

Dennis McCallum
1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

God gave us the Bible so that we can make a reason-based decision to have faith in Jesus. He does not expect us believe based "on spiritual apprehension rather than proof." The Good News is backed by evidence, based on reasonable faith, and is free of charge.

Simeon and Anna

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 2:25-38

Simeon and Anna can give us a picture of what our lives can be like as seniors. We don't have to wait around to die or live for self, but can have a spiritually vibrant life faithfully serving God.

Daniel 9

James Rochford
Daniel 9

Why should anyone trust Jesus with their life, let alone their eternity? The Book if Daniel, Chapter 9, gives compelling evidence the Bible is a supernatural book, able to accurately predict future events to the very year they occur. Factoring in the lunar calendar and the lack of a zero year, Daniel 9 accurately predicts, four hundred years prior, the year Messiah would be killed.

Unity Out of Diversity

Scott Risley
Ephesians 4:7-16

Because Christians are united with Christ, they have unity with other Christians. This is not a unity we generate, but a unity we must strive to maintain. Just as our bodies are made up of many parts, so too is the Body of Christ made up of many different individuals who work together, each doing their unique role, to build up the Body of Christ for the work God created each of us to do.

The Mystery of Christ

Conrad Hilario
Ephesians 3:1-11

God created man with freewill which led to a dilemma for God. He is both loving and just. He loves us but His justice demands he punish us for our sins. His enemies make accusations against his character. So, God kept secret His plan to resolve His dilemma for a time. At the right time, he revealed that Jesus would be the perfect substitute to pay for man's sins. Thus, He demonstrated His great love but also satisfied his justice.

Revealing the Mystery

Scott Risley
Ephesians 3:1-11

God hid His plan of redemption until He revealed His Son,Jesus, to the world. He kept His plan hidden from all the spiritual forces so that Satan would be fooled into cooperating with His plan. Jesus dying on the cross was not a defeat but God's victory over sin. God's solution solved the problem of the penalty for sin, and any accusations against God's character. He is both loving and just. God can be trusted!

The Reasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics

Mike Sullivan
Ephesians 3:1-11

Ever wonder how it's possible that the abstract language of mathematics can be used to make stunning predictions about the world we live in? This session explores answers to this question, including those consistent with a biblical worldview.

The Resurrection

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 28:1-20

The resurrection of Jesus after His crucifixion is essential to Biblical faith. If Jesus did not rise from the dead, then His sacrifice was not acceptable to God and we are still dead in our sins. This extraordinary claim deserves an extraordinary examination. There is powerful historical evidence for this claim. If you doubt these claims, have you truly examined the historical evidence?

Was the Bible Really Inspired by God??

James Rochford
2 Timothy 3:6-17

One common objection to believing in the God of the Bible is questioning the reliability of the bible which was written by men. There is significant evidence that the Bible is a trustworthy representative of God's very words. 1. The Gospels are relatively reliable historical documents. 2. In the Gospels, Jesus claimed to be God. 3. Several independent lines of evidence verify Jesus as supernatural. 4. Jesus (God) taught that all Scripture was true and inspired.