Strife Between Brothers

Dennis McCallum
Romans 5:1

There are many different types of conflict that we enter in life, generally God wants us to resolve conflict in a position of humility and doing what's best for the other party. We have been forgiven much by God, so we should be able to forgive most offenses against us. Conflicts can be opportunities to share God's love to a watching world.

God's Attitude Toward Those Who Reject Him

Dennis McCallum
Luke 15

When we reject God, our assumption is that He will reject us. Through several parables, Jesus demonstrates that in reality, when we reject God, He is waiting to receive us with open arms. God wants a relationship with each of us, and waits for us to turn back to Him.

Christian Community (Part 5) - Confess to One Another

Gary DeLashmutt
1 John 1:7

The Bible calls us to confess our sins to one another to help us overcome the destructive power of sin in our life. Verbally acknowledging our own wrong behaviors or attitudes to another person can bring us healing and reconciliation in relationships. Confession is a crucial part of Christian community and a powerful way to experience God's merciful grace.

Handling Interpersonal Conflict (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 3:13

In the last of three lessons on love relationships in Romans 13, believers are called to always forgive others when in conflict, sometimes lovingly reprove if necessary, negotiate, and most importantly, leave room for God to act.

Handling Interpersonal Conflict (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 13

Interpersonal conflict is common but destructive. God offers great help as we seek to resolve conflict, which starts with us establishing a relationship with Him. Security from this relationship allows us to start from the constructive stance of considering how we can handle the conflict in a way that brings God glory.

Spiritually Compromised Relationships

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 6:11-7:2

Paul writes to the Corinthians to resolve alienation between himself and some of the members of the Corinthian church. Paul has affirmed that we are to be in the world as ambassadors for Christ. Now Paul warns against being "of the world". This is best defined as any kind of relationship with someone which involves compromise of our commitment to and witness for Christ. Are you taking a clear stand for Christ verbally and in your actions? Who is influencing whom? \r\n

3 Aspects of New Life in Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 5:14-21

The three aspects are: 1) a new motivation, 2) a new way of evaluating people, and 3) a new purpose for life. God wants to give you a new motivation to change that is based out of love. God sent Christ down as an example of His love that His son would live a perfect life, the one we should have lived, and then willingly be persecuted and die on the cross for us. God has offered us a new way where we can evaluate people on their potential in Christ. No matter how messed up you are there is always redemption in Christ who can free us to change into others-centered people Finally, we have been given a ministry of reconciliation. This is to bring people the Good News of Christ's redemption and to help others understand that there is a need for God's forgiveness because of His just nature.

Two Ways of Relating to God

Gary DeLashmutt
Jeremiah 31:31-34

The two ways of relating to God are either: 1) through superficial rituals, and adherence to the laws of the Old Covenant; or 2) through God's intended method of a personal relationship based on Christ's death on the cross. The Old Covenant was never meant to be permanent and was never meant to bring the Jews closer to God, its' purpose was to show them how far they were from God and that they needed to be clean to come into His presence. The New Covenant was brought forward and promised by God long ago as a way to restore the broken relationship between us and God. We no longer need to clean ourselves to be able to come into His presence but can be fully restored and cleaned once and for all through Christ.

Requisites for Relational Closeness

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Corinthians 2:4-11

The Corinthians had trouble with addressing a member of their body who was in a deep non-repentant sin, Paul himself had to visit them about it. Through this, we see how forgiveness and a relational closeness between each other and God impacts our walk with Him. This relational closeness is characterized by 4 requirements: agree on God's moral absolutes, be willing to discipline, be willing to repent, and be willing to forgive.