Brought Near

Ben Foust
Ephesians 2:11-20

As Paul details the incredible blessings we have in Christ, he reminds his audience how Jews and Gentiles were reconciled together by God. God can overcome any human divisions, and both the ?far off? and the ?near? can be reconciled to God together into one new man.

The Story of Joseph

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 37-50

An overview of the life of Joseph--an incredible story of favoritism by Jacob, hatred, cruelty, deception, and guilt by his half-brothers, as well as faithfulness, perseverance, obedience, and forgiveness by Joseph. Like many of us, Joseph was victimized by many people, but he did not succumb to a victim mentality because he trusted in God's loving sovereignty. He was able to thrive in spite of ill-treatment and adversity and we can, too, through God's help.

Peace with God

Jim Leffel
Romans 5:1-11

The desire for a sense of peace--a sense of inner harmony--is common to man, yet is elusive, particularly to people in our modern culture. People cannot say why they matter or what makes them significant--questions that must be answered to have inner peace. God offers people a way to peace through the justice and forgiveness offered through Jesus' substitutionary death on the cross, opening the door to them enjoying eternal security and significance, and a warm, personal relationship with God.

Jesus' Provision for Our Deepest Needs: Reconciliation

Paul Alexander
Luke 7:36-50

Because of sin we experience alienation from God, from others, and within ourselves. Through a beautiful story from Luke 7, we see that through Jesus, God offers us reconciliation in all three areas, leading to peace.

The Woman at the Well

Ben Foust
John 4:1-42

Despite many personal, cultural, and religious barriers, Jesus approaches a woman at a well to demonstrate that he is the only one who can quench her spiritual thirst. The Gospel has the same effect today when we turn to God to restore the relationship we were created for and allow Him to meet our deepest needs.

Jesus' Provision for Our Deepest Needs: Restoration

Mike Sullivan
John 21:1-17

After his resurrection, Jesus went to Peter to restore him after his denial of Christ. In the same way, God wants to restore us after we experience failure. To cooperate with God's restoration we must receive His grace, let Him address our core issues, and say "yes" to God's call to serve.

Restoring Others to Faithful Servanthood

Liz Sweet
John 21:1-17

It can be difficult to know how to help fellow Christians be restored to a healthy spiritual walk when something goes wrong. Regardless of the circumstances, Liz Sweet discusses how we can help others to regain their vision for serving both by helping them walk through suffering and regain a proper perspective of who God is.

Our Problem, God's Solution

Scott Risley
Romans 3:9-30

Paul explains humanity's problem with God--that all have fallen short of God's perfect standard and deserve judgment. Now he transitions to explaining God's solution to our problem: forgiveness through faith in Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. When we place our trust in Christ we are freely forgiven and can enjoy humble unity with one another.

God's Rescue Plan

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 3:14-15

Ever since Adam and Eve's disobedience, humanity has suffered from alienation from God, ourselves, and others. However, we see from immediately after the fall that God was enacting his plan to rescue man and defeat Satan--a plan that culminated in Jesus on the cross. We can be rescued by God and experience reconciliation by accepting Jesus' death as the covering for our sin.