Resolving Conflict

Scott Risley
Romans 13

Part of Biblical love relationships is resolving conflict in an God-honoring way. While we may naturally be tempted to flee conflict, be overly aggressive, or pursue legal action, a Biblical response to conflict is one of humility that doesn't avoid, but rather seeks to restore the relationship in a way that honors God and is loving toward the other person.

The Good News

Dennis McCallum
Romans 1:1-17

The Good News of the Bible is that we can have a close, personal relationship with the God of the universe. We have to come to Him on His terms though, not on our own. God's terms are just that we have faith in the good news that He sent His son to die as payment for our sins on the cross. Jesus' life and death was predicted by several sources hundreds of years before he walked on the earth. The Gospel is the power of God. It's the only thing that makes us right with God and is accomplished from start to finish by faith.

Total Help For Total Need

Gary DeLashmutt
Ephesians 2:1-10

All of humanity is in total need, but God through Jesus Christ extends total help. Humanity's total need is that we are alienated from God, we are enslaved to Satan, and we are headed for God's condemnation. God's total help reconciles us to Him, gives freedom from Satan's control, and destines us to His kindness for eternity. The total help of God is a gift that cannot be earned by good works, but is given to those through faith.

Being Ambassadors

Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 5:11-21

Knowing God and what He did for us through Christ impacts our interactions with others. Convinced Christians see the importance of effective persuasion to help others see their personal need for Christ. This type of motivation comes from the love God and affects our view of others as we begin to understand the love God has for people. As a result, we see the urgency to play our role as trying to help people become reconciled to God through Jesus Christ as Christ's ambassadors.


Jim Leffel
2 Corinthians 2:6-11

Paul gives instructions to the Corinthians on how they should approach a brother who has undergone church discipline. The purpose of discipline is redemptive by nature, desiring a change of mind and moving away from damaging habits. Paul calls on them to extend forgiveness and grace toward the offender and affirm their love for him. As people experience reconciliation, they are able to humbly respond to God out of gratitude for His grace, eager to be used by Him.

What Motivates Christians?

Dennis McCallum
1 John 5:15

Paul explained that when someone accepts Christ's reconciliation for themselves they have a new identity. They become a citizen of heaven and a child of God; this new identity is something we can share with others. Christians who understand this are motivated to go out and share God's message of reconciliation as His ambassadors to this world.

Suffering with a Purpose - The Crucifixion

Jim Leffel
1 John 5:15

Though it seems foolish to humanity, Jesus' death on the cross illustrates God's wisdom, justice, power, and authority, as well as His compassion for us. God had been planning this from the beginning. The Messiah was to be our substitute in death in order to redeem us so that we may be saved; Jesus' death is our only hope of reconciliation with God. When we accept God's forgiveness through Jesus, we become God's children and enjoy a personal relationship with Him.\r\n

Recovering From The Fall

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 3:7-19

The human race is in an abnormal state because of a "fall" from our intended role. This fall resulted in several kinds of alienation from God: theological, psychological, sociological, and ecological. Gradual spiritual growth can help reverse some of the damage that this fall caused, and it is never too late to begin that recovery process.

Working Out What God Has Put In

Dennis McCallum
Acts 16:31

Paul calls us to work out our salvation, in other words, living out our salvation. We are called to forgive one another and move towards one another in love. We have been forgiven so much, so we should be free to forgive others.