The Call to Unity in a Divided Culture

Mike Woods

We live in a time where our culture is deeply divided. Politically, ethnically, and economically our culture is in constant conflict - even at a deep interpersonal level, close relationships and community are in a sharp decline. How can the Church find unity in such a divided landscape? We will look at what insight the Bible provides into how the Body of Christ can remain unified and interdependent even in this cultural climate.

Persuasion vs. Pressure

John Ross

Being persuasive is a key factor in convincing others to give their lives to God. Using pressure can be counter-productive or ineffective in making our case. This teaching highlights what it looks like to be persuasive for God and how to avoid pressuring people. The teacher explains the effects of pressuring people and what it means about us. With the correct understanding we can create a healthy tension where we work with people, not against them.

Making the Most of the Early Stages of Marriage

Joey Francisco
Lauren Francisco

Marriage is about oneness and life long commitment, but what we see in our culture is marriage in a deep decline while divorce rates are rising. How do we fight against this cultural trend and have a successful, Christ-centered marriage? We will look at what habits are good to form in the early stages of marriage to lead to success.

The Confluence of Character and Competence in Leadership (Part 1)

Josh Benadum
1 Timothy 3:1-15

Being an effective spiritual leader requires more than charisma or influence. Good character, with the proper equipping is more important. 4 different qualities of this character include: hospitality, not being self-willed, gentleness, and enthusiasm. Josh breaks down the impact of neglecting growth in these areas and how to grow in them also.

Parenting and Hospitality

Liz Sweet
1 Timothy 3:1-15

Hospitality is a way to represent the great love God has for people. It is inviting people into not just your home but into your lives and hearts. Hospitality is authentic, genuine interaction including the laughter, as well as the messiness of life. It is a kind heart and a helping hand. Hospitality models for our children the value of people over stuff. Opening our homes to friends and strangers teaches our children how to treat people with courtesy and warmth.

Suffering - Pastoral Care or Apologetics?

Pat Reeder
1 Peter 3:15

Unfortunately some of us have been perpetrators or victims of apologetics used during sensitive and difficult times that are cringe-worthy. How do we balance providing truth and biblical answers in times of suffering with being a caring and sensitive friend? This workshop helps practically break down scenarios and address appropriate responses to others' suffering based on timing and relationship, amongst other factors. As we learn some practical steps in both pastoral cases and apologetical cases, we become better equipped to provide thoughtful responses to others around us.

Good Friends Are Hard to Find

Patrice McCormac
1 Samuel 23

Our culture is plagued with loneliness. Part of the problem is that we are often more concerned about whether people are being good friends to us than if we ourselves are being a good friend! As we examine the biblical story of David and Jonathan's friendship however, we see several key elements of good friendship. To be a good friend, we must warn our friends of danger even when it may be risky for us. We should speak and wish well of them, encourage, and initiate choosing to commit to the friendship. As we move away from our own selfish tendencies and toward these habits, we move toward becoming a good friend to others.

21st Century Evangelism (Part 2) - Questions, Problems, and Other Headaches

Randy Newman
1 Samuel 23

While God's power is the driving force in evangelism, personal interaction and conversational skills are extremely important as well. This breakout session is a continuation of the 3 part series by Randy Newman on 21st Century Evangelism. In this session Newman does a Q & A with the audience to answer specific questions about evangelism, and then splits the audience into pairs to practice listening and asking questions through a series of exercises. \r\n

Preserving the Unity in Your Community

Mary Beth Gladwell
John 13:5

The depth and length of relationships that we have with one another, in the Body of Christ, is the final apologetic. To maintain unity we must engage the battle in our thought life, practice forbearance with one another, and practice humility.