Building a Family Around the Word

Chris Risley
Psalms 78:5-7

Many parents don't have a specific goal for their children to shape their parenting. As Christian parents, however, our goal should be to have our children grow to love the Lord wholeheartedly. This means we need to address our relationship with God, with our spouse, and with our kids. In order to give to our family amidst our own imperfections and anxieties, we need to be receiving from God ourselves. Through prioritizing our marriage, spending ample time getting quality time with our children and raising them according to God's priorities, we can build a successful family around the word of God.

Recovering From the Fall

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 3:7-19

The effects of the fall on a individual human can be substantially (but not completely) reversed through gradual spiritual growth. The theological alienation humans experience is reversed through turning back to God and beginning a relationship with Him. Psychological alienation is healed by no longer propping self up as a god but instead putting self under God's leadership. Sociological alienation is reversed by moving away from a self-centered relationship and towards a God-centered relationship. Ecological alienation is healed as humans take a stewardship perspective of God's Earth.

Love Therapy - A Little Known Approach to Counselling

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 5:46

Biblical love can be defined as a commitment to give of oneself in every area for the good of another, and it is a giving of this love that can truly be therapeutic in the believer's life. This love can further be separated into four categories: sacrificial, forgiving, emotional, and disciplining. As we examine these categories, we see how deep our call to love is. As we assess love defects and relational continuums, we can gauge our own position and learn how to become more effective love givers.

Bear One Another's Burdens - A Study in Galatians 6

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 4:7-8

Galatians instructs us to bear one another's burdens but just verses later says each person should carry his own load. To understand this, we must first understand the difference between a burden and a load and be able to distinguish between the two in our own lives. Each of us was given a race marked out by God that we are responsible for, but we are also responsible to one another in times of crisis and tragedy, when things are too much for one person to handle alone.

James 4 - A Self-Diagnostic Tool in Conflicts

Cathy Treyens
Proverbs 27:20

We all experience conflict, but we often do not correctly assess our own contributions or our role in them. Through the insight given in James 4, we can break down our conflicts, often brought on by what we demand from others and God. Our emotions acts as the tip of the iceberg, on top of what we want, and on top of what we deeply need. As we learn to diagnose ourselves, we can receive God's healing through submission and humility.

Exploring Eternity (Part 3) - Minds Fixed on Eterntiy

James Rochford
Ephesians 5:15-16

Investing in heaven is the wisest choice we can make. It starts with setting our mind on heaven in this life. Here are five things to consider: 1) people are the only lasting commodity; 2) eternity reminds us why temporal pursuits never satisfy; 3) a mindset on eternity reminds us our suffering has a purpose; 4) eternity reminds us to be faithful with the small stuff; and 5) eternity reminds us that we will all give an account for our lives someday.

Patience (Part 1) - Patience with Weakness

Ajith Fernando
Philippians 2:3

We often yearn for a particular fruit of the Spirit, patience. But patience is not achieved without difficulty. One way we grow in patience is through experiencing weakness in ourselves and others. As we experience conflict and the weakness of other believers, we are sharpened to become more Christ-like in our patience.

What Makes a Man?

Joey Francisco
Proverbs 27:17

Our culture tells us men should live on an island, be less emotional, and live their life in pursuit of autonomous comfort. This has created an environment where we see young men seeking fulfillment and purpose from the world's resources that will never satisfy. God has given men resources in His Word that can lead them to leadership, diligent work, healthy relationships, and healthy emotional output. God's resources and provisions will satisfy.

Developing Compassionate Communities

Amy Moreno
Proverbs 27:5-6

Having compassion is a Biblical imperative for believers, but there are many things that get in the way of us carrying out this command. Through the Holy Spirit, however, God has provided us with the resources to have a dynamic spiritual community. Learning to develop this kind of compassionate community requires having the humility to face the truth about ourselves first in order to rightly see the areas in which we need growth.