Team Building

Mike Jentes
Colossians 2:12-14

Since teams are knit together from unique individuals created by God, it is important to understand who God made each person to be. Remembering our position in Christ and discovering our passions, spiritual gifts, and temperaments will help us better understand how God created us individually and how we can be used in a team setting. Building unified relationships among a team requires regular communication and spending a lot of time together enjoying shared experiences. Ministry teams can also benefit from having a clear mission and unified ideas regarding their team atmosphere.

Managing Conflict in Your Home Group

Jeff Gordon
Colossians 2:12-14

What does it look like to manage conflict and promote unity amongst members of your leadership team? This workshop gives insight to this very issue with the following goals in mind: 1) learn to handle conflict proactively, 2) learn your tendency in conflict and well as the tendency of your leadership team, and 3) discover at least one thing that God is leading you to do to promote unity in your particular leadership team. \r\n

Feeding the 5000

Jim Leffel
John 6:27-35

When Jesus asks his disciples to feed the five thousand, he intends to teach them about God's priorities in serving. There are four lessons for Jesus' disciples in this miracle: 1) Jesus will sensitize us to others' needs as we follow him; 2) whatever we have is inadequate to meet others' needs; 3) Christ makes our meager resources adequate; and 4) serving Christ is God's way to meet our needs and effect change in our lives. A life of service is the only way to true fulfillment, purpose, and stability, and God can use people who make themselves available to Him. A video testimony from Joanne Rhodes is included.

Nine Principles of "Body Life"

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 12

Paul refers to the church as the Body of Christ. Each person is a part of the body and they interdependently rely on one another to build up the health of the church. We grow in love and understanding as we build authentic deep relationships in a unified group of believers.

The Body of Christ (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:15-16

Christians are called to be a part of a Christian community where they share in fellowship. Christian community (the church) is referred to as the Body of Christ, Jesus is the head of this body and people in the church are parts of the body. When we all come together in truth and love as diverse people with different strengths we are able to interdependently do God's work and experience God's love through one another.

Sabbatical Controversies

Jim Leffel
Exodus 20:8

Jesus frequently caused controversy over the practice of the Sabbath, and his decisions to violate its many rules demonstrated the higher purpose and principles of God's law. There are three key principles about the law that Jesus teaches: 1) the law is an expression of God's character which shapes its meaning and application; 2) God's true desire is for His people to have inner faithfulness and love rather than mechanical rule-following behavior; and 3) God's moral will is for the good of His people. When these three principles are ignored in favor of legalism, people become deceived about God's priorities, and relationships are damaged overall.

Four Keys To Healthy Relating

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 7:1-12

Jesus moves from talking about our relationship with money to our relationships with other people. Human relationships are complex, and Jesus offers four keys to healthy relating. How we view others, treat others, and effect others is impacted by our relationship with Christ.

Character that Counts - Fleeing Lust & Pursuing Righteousness

Jim Leffel
2 Timothy 2:19-26

God's standards for leadership in the church are centered around godly character. Spiritual gifts, ministry skills, and calling are useless in the life of a leader without character, and God wants to integrate who we are with how we live as we grow in our relationship with Him. This integration happens only when Christians understand the proper motivation for change and pursue a life of others-centered, sacrificial love. God also calls Christian leaders to be patient and humble in correcting people in their lives who are seeking change since they too are learning what it looks like to follow God. A video testimony from Jim Dorado was included.

Two Different Forms of Spirituality

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 6:1-18

Next in the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus speaks to the religious elite. Addressing things commonly viewed as giving piety, and turning them upside down. Instead of doing things to gain peoples' admiration and favor, we should live for an audience of one. God wants a real relationship with us, not for us to merely go through the motions.