A Deadly Infection

Dennis McCallum
Luke 12

Jesus warns his audience about the temptation of hypocrisy. Hypocrisy could be identified by a lack of honesty in efforts to appear more righteous than others while neglecting their own short comings. God is more concerned with the internal heart attitudes than the external actions we do before people. As we reject hypocrisy, we are able to see God's power more fully and develop close relationships that are honest as we learn to cooperate to fulfill His purposes.

Sermon on the Plain (Part 3): Judging Others

Dennis McCallum
Luke 6

Jesus shows the distinction between unrighteous judgment and needed discernment and judgment. Discerning judgment is based on moral right and wrong from God's Word and is centered around truth and falsehood. On the other hand, unrighteous judgment concerns itself with judging others' motives and condemning others. When we humbly focus on our own personal character growth with God instead of focusing on others failings, God is able to help us avoid self-righteous judgment and look to help others to grow with God.

Handling Interpersonal Conflict (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 3:13

In the last of three lessons on love relationships in Romans 13, believers are called to always forgive others when in conflict, sometimes lovingly reprove if necessary, negotiate, and most importantly, leave room for God to act.

Handling Interpersonal Conflict (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Romans 13

Interpersonal conflict is common but destructive. God offers great help as we seek to resolve conflict, which starts with us establishing a relationship with Him. Security from this relationship allows us to start from the constructive stance of considering how we can handle the conflict in a way that brings God glory.

Love Relationships Under God

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 22:36-40

The concept of love is the summary of the intent of the entire Biblical Law and Prophets. Love is found in personal relationships with others, beginning with God. The key to understanding and experiencing love is to understand and experience God. These theological ideas are explored in the first of three lessons from Romans 13. Includes quotes from "What Americans Believe" by George Barna and "True Spirituality" by Francis Schaeffer.\r\n

Finding Your Role in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 12:1-14:40

When people put their faith in Christ, they are united not just with him, but also with other believers. The identity and function of the Body of Christ is well-defined in scripture. We explore how this plays out in believers' lives and how to become more deeply involved in and experience true fellowship. Includes a reference: Case Study on the Church in China, 1949 to present.\r\n

Signs of the Times (Part 6): Sociological

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 15:51-52

Within the scriptures we can piece together the timeline for the end times. There will be a rapture, the great tribulation, the second coming of Christ, the millennial kingdom, and finally God's great white throne of judgement. The description of the last days sounds terrifying because the moral standards of the world become completely subjective. Anything goes. This will have a huge impact on our ability to experience relationships.

The Big Picture

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 22:35-40

What is the difference between secular love and biblical love? Biblical love is so beautiful, we should be wary of hardening our hearts by saying no to God too many times. For those striving to love God, there are two key components: knowing God and loving His people. How these two elements fit together in God's law of love are explained.

Marriage and Family in the 90's

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 19

Marriage was created by God and made to be God-centered, but our culture has replaced this Biblical model for a self-centered model. It's no surprise that marriages fail when self-gratification becomes the main priority. Furthermore, many have bought into the myth of falling in love: eros love. While eros is good, it is insufficient as a foundation for marriage. Dennis McCallum warns against the devastation of divorce and teaches on what it takes to build a good marriage according to God.