Two Toxic Mentalities

Scott Risley
John 5:1-26

Two toxic mentalities are revealed through Jesus' miracle of healing a lame man: the victim mentality and the religious mentality. These mentalities are incompatible with real faith and keep people from believing. Jesus asks two questions as he interacts with the lame man and the Jewish leaders: 1) Do you want to get well; and 2) Are you willing to believe?

Jesus'Lessons on Failure

Jeff Gordon
John 21:1-17

Peter had an epic and public failure when he proclaimed that he would never betray Jesus, only to do so three times. In Jesus' lessons on failure, he teaches to admit the failure after it's happened, and to not trust yourself but to trust that God is at work within you.

From Outward to Inward

Dennis McCallum
John 2:13-22

Jesus enters Jerusalem and drives the money changers out of the temple as they are shaming God's house. Afterwards, he speaks about the temple being destroyed and being raised up three days later. Jesus' audience didn't understand that the "temple" he was referring to was his body that would rise again three days after his work on the cross. Jesus' message was to point out that people's issues weren't solved with outward conformity to formalism, but through an inward change of the heart through a relationship with him.

God's Heart for the Lost

Ryan Lowery
Luke 15:1-32

Jesus tells three parables to illustrate God's response when people rebel against Him. In the parables of the lost sheep and coin, Jesus shows that each person matters to God and that He rejoices when lost people are found. The parable of the prodigal son shows that God is overjoyed when we choose to repent and come home to Him. Jesus also illustrates the evil of hypocrites who judge others by their sin.

John the Baptist

Conrad Hilario
Luke 3:16-19

Who was John the Baptist and why was he performing water baptisms in preparation for the Messiah? John was a humble person which allowed him to shine the light on Jesus. What does it look like to be humble: 1) seeing all that we have as being from God; 2) not getting jealous of other people's success; 3) sensitive to self-promotion, and 4) willing to humble ourselves before others.

Jesus' Pattern

Dennis McCallum
John 1:6-51

At the beginning of Jesus' ministry, the first person John recounts testifying about Jesus is John the Baptist, who pointed people to Jesus once he began His earthly ministry. Jesus gathers followers (disciples) as He begins his earthly ministry. This is the pattern in which Jesus accomplishes God's work, by developing spiritually mature people to independently do God's work once he leaves. Both Jesus and John the Baptist modeled humility and pointing people towards God and His forgiveness.

The Dangers of Hypocrisy

Ryan Lowery
Luke 11:37-54

Christianity as a religion has obscured the teaching of Christ as people promote the idea that good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell. Jesus confronts the Pharisees at a dinner party, leveling harsh criticism against their prideful hypocrisy and the way it leads others away from God. We have the choice to either receive God's forgiveness, or fake it, and in faking it, we do more harm than good.

The Unlikely Apostle

Jim Leffel
Acts 9

God pursues one of the most unlikely converts to the Christian faith. Saul becomes Paul in an epic confrontation with the risen Christ. He is stricken with the realization that he has been fighting the living God, and yet there is grace available even to him. Many of us are also "unlikely", but God pursues us nonetheless out of His incredible mercy. As a result we are given freedom and a new purpose, just like Paul!\r\n\r\n

The Way To Jesus

Ryan Lowery
Luke 3:1-18

John the baptist was a prophesied precursor to Jesus who preached a baptism of repentance, directed attention to Jesus, and pointed the way to salvation. While repentance from sinful habits is good, the most it can do is point towards the need for forgiveness. Present-day followers of Christ should help people to see their wrong thinking about God so that they can accept his grace.