A Heart of Servant Love

James Rochford
John 13:1-35

Why would anyone want to pursue a lifestyle of sacrificial love?  Sacrificial love is motivated by having a new identity in Christ.  God loved us first and gives us an example to emulate.  Giving is the key to a happy life.  This will make us or break us.  This was the last teaching Judas heard from Jesus and he walked away to betray Jesus. This servant love convinces others that God's love is genuine.

King Messiah Enters Jerusalem

Brian Adams
John 12:12-36

Jesus, defying the crowd's expectation of Him, enters Jerusalem riding upon a donkey.  The crowd cheers for Him this day, but in a few short days, in their disappointment, will be demanding for His crucifixion.

Why This Waste?

Chris Risley
John 12:1-6

As Mary poured out that expensive perfume onto Jesus, she was pouring out everything she owned or cared about. She was trusting Jesus to care for her every need. Although the disciples rebuked her for the waste, Jesus praised her for her love and sacrifice.

Why this Waste?

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 26:6-13

The story of Mary pouring costly perfume on Jesus before His burial tells us she had made the first decision to put her trust in Jesus, but also, it tells us she had made the second decision to give everything she had to follow Jesus.  She held nothing back.

Why This Waste?

James Rochford
John 12:1-8

Mary anointing Jesus with the expensive perfume was viewed by the disciples as a waste, but Jesus viewed it as a beautiful thing.  She dedicated everything she had to Jesus and He promised her generous deed would be remembered and discussed wherever the Gospel is preached.

From Ritual to Reality

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 8:1-9:12

The Old Testament was filled with the symbols of what Jesus would accomplish as a reality in the New Testament.  The animal sacrificial system was only a shadow of the saving work Jesus would do on the cross.

John the Baptist

Brian Adams
John 1:19-37

John the Baptist testified that he was not the Messiah but that he was paving the way for Him. He cultivated a lifestyle of humility by never trying to any fame for being the Messiah's announcer. We can cultivate a mindset of humility by thanking God for who He is, by learning what God says about us, and considering how to serve others.

Final Instructions

Dennis McCallum
2 Thessalonians 2:15-3:18

Paul gives final instructions to the Thessalonians to not live an unruly life but to work hard so as to be able to share with others and thus help spread the Word of God.

Arm Yourself with Readiness to Suffer

Ben Foust
1 Peter 4

Human nature apart from God will always pursue personal comfort and pleasure. But that is a recipe for disappointment. Christians have a category for enduring suffering because they are living for something greater than themselves. Peter instructs his audience to arm themselves with the willingness and expectation of suffering for the sake of the Gospel because they can entrust themselves to a faithful God.