Suffering with a Purpose - The Crucifixion

Gary DeLashmutt

The crucifixion of Jesus is a widely accepted historical event. Therefore instead of looking at the historical evidence, the meaning of the crucifixion is investigated. The meaning of the crucifixion is found in the statements surrounding Jesus on the cross. Jesus' death is significant in that it is intercessory, evidential, substitutionary, and complete.

Suffering with a Purpose - The Crucifixion

Jim Leffel

Though it seems foolish to humanity, Jesus' death on the cross illustrates God's wisdom, justice, power, and authority, as well as His compassion for us. God had been planning this from the beginning. The Messiah was to be our substitute in death in order to redeem us so that we may be saved; Jesus' death is our only hope of reconciliation with God. When we accept God's forgiveness through Jesus, we become God's children and enjoy a personal relationship with Him.\r\n

Suffering with a Purpose - The Crucifixion

John Cleary

The suffering and crucifixion of Jesus is more than merely a historical event. This is evident in some of the statements surrounding Jesus on the cross. Those statements include: 1) they crucified him; 2) My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?; 3) it is finished; 4) Truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in Paradise. Jesus wants each individual to personally respond to this dramatic event.

Three Responses to the Finished Work of Christ

Mike Sullivan
Hebrews 10:19-25

The Old Testament sacrificial system pointed towards the final sacrifice that Jesus would make on the cross to cover human sin. There are three responses that the author of Hebrews calls us to: 1) draw near to God; 2) hold fast the confession of our hope; and 3) consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds.

Old Testament Ceremony

Lee Campbell
Hebrews 10:1-4

Sometimes, before we will see spiritual reality, we need to hit rock bottom. Part of the purpose of the Old Testament Law was to show the problem that people have, and to point to the solution in Christ. Jesus was the ultimate fulfillment of the symbolism of the Old Covenant.

Christ Our Priest

Jim Leffel
Genesis 14:17-20

The message of the Bible hinges on an understanding of sacrifice; that we need a priest, who intercedes for us through substitution. The Old Testament explains that the priesthood was held by the Levites, yet Jesus with from the tribe of Judah. The way to reconcile Jesus' kingship and priesthood lies in the character of Melchizedek, and has two important implications: 1) the old priesthood is over, and 2) the new priesthood means we have constant intercession with God.

The Birth of Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 2:1-14

The birth of the savior occurs in an unspectacular fashion. Christ voluntarily gave up his perfect position for a life of humiliation, misunderstanding, and rejection. He takes this low standing to show people how desperate their situation is, wholly displaying that God loves us with an amazing love.

Jesus' Unique Conception

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 1:18-25

The birth of Jesus removes itself from being considered a myth by being deliberately lodged in history. This means that God really did come down in human form. There are several reasons that God did this: 1) to provide evidence that Jesus is the Messiah, fulfilling all of the prophecies along the way; and 2) to provide salvation for the human race as a substitute. This knowledge prompts the response of entrusting ourselves to God.

The Cross

Dennis McCallum
John 18:33-19:30

After his betrayal, Jesus is beaten, flogged, mocked and led to the cross for his crucifixion. He endures physical torment, psychological torment, and spiritual torment, taking on the full wrath of God for the sake of humanity. Christ's perfect life made him able to atone for all of human sin for all time. We learn that Christ accepted this brutal and excruciating death to make human reconciliation with God possible, by faith.