The Spirit-Filled Life

James Rochford
Proverbs 23:29-35

The key to deep change that leads to a Spirit-filled life is the Holy Spirit. First, one must put their faith in Jesus to forgive their sins, and they will receive the Holy Spirit. Next, living a life of speaking God's truth, giving thanks, and serving others in love leads to a life of sacrificial love, or a Spirit-filled life.

God's Triumph

Mike Sullivan
Romans 6:23

Christ won a great triumph on the cross. As Christians follow him, he leads us in triumph by making us a sweet aroma of of the knowledge of Him wherever we go. People react in different ways to this aroma. To some it is an aroma of life and to others it is the stench of death. We can be aromatic in a good way by following Christ's lead, by giving your life to God to love others, and by remaining true to God's Word.

Christ-Centered Giving and Receiving

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 4:10-20

Christ-centered receiving gratefully receives God's help through others. It ultimately, depends upon God to meet all one's needs. Christ-centered giving is an investment in God's kingdom and a response to God's grace. It trusts in God's care.

Grace to Give

Mike Sullivan
2 Corinthians 8-9

God wants Christians to be generous and will give great opportunities to be generous. Grace-based giving is not bound by our circumstances. It is inspired by Christ. Grace-based giving shares resources with those in need and is accountable to handle money in an honorable way. Grace-based giving remembers God's role in supplying the resources to give. Grace-based giving results in recipients giving thanks and glorifying God.

Exchanging the Old Self for the New Self

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4:21-28

If you are forgiven in Jesus, you have a new birth, a new identity. This new birth means you have to believe and live in that identity. Believing and living in this new identity releases God's power to transform your mind which leads to living a life of love.

Enemies of the Cross

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 3:17-4:1

Materialism defines fulfillment and security in terms of material possessions in this life. Christians in this present world are particularly vulnerable with the massive cultural pressure to engage in materialism. To resist this pressure, Christians must cultivate deep convictions about Jesus' return and His eternal kingdom, see through materialism enough that they are emotionally affected by its impact, and prioritize and treasure fellowship with committed Christians.

Serving Others Leads to Joy

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 2:17-18

Paul gladly poured out his life in service to the Philippians. He viewed it as a privilege that brought him joy. He wanted them to likewise pour out their lives in service to others. We can find four tips for embracing a lifestyle of sacrificial service to others in Philippians 2:19-30. Tip #1: Focus on the spiritual welfare of a few specific people. Tip #2: Serve with other servants. Tip #3: Be willing to serve in whatever ways are needed. Tip #4: Be willing to take some risks in your service.

Famous Last Words

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 4:9-22

As Paul faces his last days on earth, his thoughts are on his friends, both loyal and disloyal, his reading material (Old Testament and his letters), and finally, his cloak to keep him warm in his cold prison cell. In the end, the Word of God and his relationships are what mattered most to Paul. When you face the end of your life, you can have certainty that you will face Jesus as your friend.

The Cross

Ryan Lowery
Romans 5:7-9

The cross of Christ is where God demonstrated His love for a rebellious and sinful people by sacrificing His son, Jesus, on the cross to pay for our sin debt. The cross allowed a way for a hopelessly sinful people to be reconciled to a perfect God. How absurd is it for Christians to be antisemitic and blame the Jews for Jesus' death! God's act of love at the cross should impact the way we view others.