Praying for Stuck Christians

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Samuel 12:22-23

Once beginning a relationship with Christ, the road to spiritual growth is not easy and many believers become "stuck," mired in things like bitterness, self-righteousness or fear. This workshop develops the biblical evidence that we should pray for these believers and explores what that looks like in action. Prayer is an immensely powerful tool, and we need to wield it in order to help others be loosened from the enemy's grasp. We see that In response to this, we should consider someone in our own life for whom we may pray and be prepared to persevere in those prayers.

Looking Back on Life - and Ahead to Life!

Larry Crabb
Romans 7:5-6

When the anticipation of heaven is rendered insignificant in comparison to a longing for a better life now, it becomes difficult if not impossible to love others well. When making our primary goal to live a better life now, we will not be willing to sacrifice and suffer in order to love others. But when our goal becomes loving God and learning to understand the trinity deeper, we will discover the joy of abiding in Christ and having fellowship with the Father.

What Makes a Man?

Joey Francisco
Proverbs 27:17

Our culture tells us men should live on an island, be less emotional, and live their life in pursuit of autonomous comfort. This has created an environment where we see young men seeking fulfillment and purpose from the world's resources that will never satisfy. God has given men resources in His Word that can lead them to leadership, diligent work, healthy relationships, and healthy emotional output. God's resources and provisions will satisfy.

Patience (Part 1) - Patience with Weakness

Ajith Fernando
Philippians 2:3

We often yearn for a particular fruit of the Spirit, patience. But patience is not achieved without difficulty. One way we grow in patience is through experiencing weakness in ourselves and others. As we experience conflict and the weakness of other believers, we are sharpened to become more Christ-like in our patience.

Knowing Christ

Mike Sullivan
John 12:23-24

As people who have been made right with God through faith in Jesus Christ, Christians are now capable of growing in their personal relationship with Him. This growth is a privilege, and even though it should be a passion for all believers, it is easy to devalue the importance and joy that comes from knowing Jesus personally. To grow in our relationship with God involves admitting that: we have not arrived at a perfect knowledge of Christ yet, sharing in Christ's sufferings, and realizing we have not yet arrived at perfect knowledge and will not do so in this life.

Spiritual Maturity and Modeling

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 2:19-30

Timothy and Epaphroditus are godly models, whom Paul urges the Philippians (and us) to observe and follow, and to model to others in four specific features of godly character: 1) genuine concern for other Christians' spiritual welfare; 2) service in furthering the gospel; 3) serving with other teammates; 4) sacrifice to help other Christian workers and ministries.

Standing Out

Mike Sullivan
Philippians 2:14-18

Paul calls us to look at a specific area of our life where God wants us to work out our salvation: doing all things without grumbling or disputing. Grumbling, or complaining, is focused on self, while Christians are called to focus outwards. Disputing, or arguing, seeks to promote the self instead of promoting others. Paul calls followers of Christ to stand out as different from this world by rejecting these behaviors and finding joy through serving people.

Work Out What God Works In

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 2:12-13

Paul provides perhaps the most concise explanation in the New Testament of the dynamics of Christian spirituality ? especially what God does and what we do. The distillation of this concise passage is: ?Work out what God works in.?

Paul's Prayer

Mike Sullivan
Philippians 1:9-11

From Paul's prayer for the Philippians, we learn that his highest priority for the Christian community is sacrificial love. Paul prays that their love would be guided by knowledge and discernment from God, point them toward a moral lifestyle, and enable God's transformation in their lives.