Reasons to Change Your Life

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5

The forgiveness we've received through Christ motivates us to lives of sacrificial love. Understanding God's grace compels us to live our lives free from damaging patterns including sexual immorality, poor use of speech, and greed. Instead, we can understand how to live as God designed us and demonstrate His truth in our lives and in our relationships. This allows for gradual movement from self-centered living to others-centered living.

Back to Square one

Jim Leffel
Romans 7:21-25

Our new identity in Christ makes us dead to the law. However, many encounter problems in their Christian life when they attempt to grow by focusing on the law instead of grace. While the law exposes our sin and highlights God's moral character, it is insufficient to cause real change as it stimulates us to rebel against God more. Instead of legalism, we are able to grow as we deepen our appreciation for God's grace in our lives and depend on Him in faith for real character change by the Holy Spirit's power.

Discovering a New Kind of Freedom

Jim Leffel
Romans 6:12-23

The freedom we experience is correlated to how we present ourselves to God: in our old self or in the new identity He has given us. Our new identity gives us freedom to stand under God's grace and present our lives as instruments to be used by Him. As we experience freedom from the enslaving old habits that are destructive, we can develop long-term, satisfying desires in our walk with God as He causes growth in our lives.

Exploring Our Identity

Jim Leffel
Romans 6:1-13

Spiritual growth is based off living out our new identity in Christ. All who have placed their faith in Christ have been permanently placed into Christ and his life lives in and through them. As a result, we are grafted into Christ and removed from being identified with Adam, and are considered as dead to our sin nature but alive to God. As we choose to live on the basis of what God says about us in His Word, we are able to present ourselves to God in our new identity, ready to be used by Him for His purposes.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

Our new identity in Christ allows us to see real character change. As we move away from the old way of life we used to live before knowing God, we can see transformation in the ways we consider areas such as work ethic, speech, and resolving conflict. When we encounter real peace with God through Christ, we are able to see that God's Will includes being at peace with others as we live out of our new identity.

Exchanging the Old Self For the New (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

Once we place our faith in Christ, we have a completely new identity as God sees us as He sees Jesus. Our role is to believe and live in line with who God says we are. As God transforms our thinking, we can develop a great appreciation to be others-centered in Christian community and have the basis for radical forgiveness based on what Christ forgave us. God is capable of creating deep character transformation as we conform our lives to align with our new identity.

Vanishing Returns in Life Away From God

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 4

All people without God are motivated to go their own way and actively rebel from God as their thinking becomes more and more darkened. As a result, they are left to indulge in different experiences to make up for the lack of purpose apart from God. As Christians, we have the ability to believe God's promises and live out of the identity He's given us as He transforms our thinking. Living out of the new identity we have in Christ is the basis for real character transformation.

An Enduring Faith

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 12:1-13

Paul describes the Christian life with a multi-faceted comparison to a race. In one sense, the baton has been passed to us from those who have ran it before. In another sense, we are called to throw off hindrances as we run a marathon. The way we stay in the race is to keep our minds trained on Christ.

Home Group Ministry (Part 1)

Gary DeLashmutt
Romans 12:1-2

Part of home church leadership includes cultivating an environment for God's people to spiritually thrive. Leaders must champion God's transformational power in these areas: outreach; community; equipping; biblical depth; corporate prayer; financial stewardship; and missions.