Why Weakness Is Your Greatest Strength

Eric Mason
2 Corinthians 4:7-12

In our culture, weakness is often either kept hidden from others or it is used to garner sympathy--in both cases to feed one's ego. But Paul says our weaknesses are not only not a hindrance to God using us, but in fact are the key to us understanding how to bring God's power, and not our own, into our walk with God. Paul says that God has put His power in us, but releases it through the pressure of suffering. Our suffering though can sharpen our understanding of God if we seek Him in trials, and we can trust that He is using it to help us look more and more like Jesus.

Renewing Our Vision

Cindy Botti
Isaiah 55:8-9

Vision, whether in life in general or in parenting in particular, is important because it gives meaning to the mundane. It gives us direction, a destination. It brings our world into focus and gives us purpose. God's vision is that He values our children. They are a gift from Him. Children are also a reward from Him. God's vision is also that He gave us, parents, an important role to teach our children about Him. We can model for them how to be Spiritual Champions. We train them according to their way. We keep God in the picture, i.e. cling to His promises.

Truth to Us From God

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 3:15-4:4

Paul emphasizes the importance of the scriptures, while simultaneously claiming that they are inerrant and divinely written. He then charges believers to preach and know the word, and be alert in the face of false teachers.

Connecting with the Lord in the Midst of Parenting

Rosy Talarzyk
2 Timothy 3:15-4:4

As parents, we are so focused on helping our children grow physically and spiritually, that sometimes we neglect our wellbeing. Rosy Talarzyk shares her experience learning to stay close to Jesus in the middle of the ups and downs of parenting. We need to continue to grow with the Lord as much as our kids do. Knowing God not just for what He can do for us but for who He is in His own right. Are you making maturity in your relationship with God a priority for you and your children's sake?

Paul's Prayer of Thanks for God's Work in Them

Gary DeLashmutt
Philippians 1:1-8

Paul opens Philippians with prayers of thanksgiving for their faithful financial support of Paul's personal ministry. He calls them full ministry partners, even though they were unable to do anything other than give their money for the work Paul was doing over five hundred miles away. We, too, can be full partners in ministry even if physically we are no longer able to "do the work" of ministry by faithfully giving our money to the cause.

Disciplining with Grace

Bev DeLashmutt
Hebrews 12:4-11

Our discipline as parents should reflect God's approach to discipline?that it is done in love, to help train them toward maturity. God is interested in breaking us of our tendency to discipline out of selfishness, and wants to empower us to strike the balance between being too strict and being too soft or indulgent. While it's uncomfortable to acknowledge, discipline often involves pain. Bev gives some suggestions for arriving at appropriate consequences.

Parable of the Soils

Ryan Lowery
Matthew 13:1-23

Jesus, in the parable of the soils, teaches in such a way that those who do not want to hear truth will be able to dismiss Him and walk away but those who hunger to know the truth will dig deeper and discover the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven that will change their lives. The "seed" is the word of the kingdom, Jesus' message of reconciliation available to all who choose to receive it. The "soils" are the different responses to the message. What kind of soil you are is completely under your control. If you are not the good soil, you can change that by investigating further with an open mind.

The "Who" of the Gospel: Jesus

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:15-23

Paul teaches the Colossian church about the supremacy of Jesus. Jesus Christ is the unique and perfect revelation of God. He is also the absolute owner of the entire universe and the sole redeemer of universe. It's from knowing who Jesus is that we can determine what he means for our lives. In this case, Jesus can save people and reconcile them to God through his work on the cross. Once that happens, as we focus on Jesus, we are able to see transformation in our lives.

Paul's Prayer for Spiritual Transformation

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 1:9-14

In the first chapter of Colossians, Paul shares how he prays for their spiritual transformation. He says this process results in "walking in a manner worthy of the Lord," which means our lives represent God's goodness well to others. The process changes us into people who are God-centered, transformed, and fruitful, enjoying intimacy with Him, power in difficulties, and a joyful, grateful heart.