The Fall of the Human Race

Dennis McCallum
Genesis 3:1-17

The discrepancy between original creation and how the world looks today can be explained by the fall of the human race. In the Garden of Eden, Satan questions, distorts, and replaces the Word of God. Adam and Eve decide God cannot be trusted and rebel. This leads to physiological, theological, sociological, and ecological alienation.

The Spiritual Battle, Part 2

Ryan Lowery
Luke 4:1-13

How do we arm ourselves in this spiritual battle against God's enemy, Satan? Paul describes how we must take our thoughts captive, carefully considering what we choose to believe. In order to combat the lies of the world, we must know God's Word.

The Spiritual Battle, Part 1

Ryan Lowery
Genesis 3:1-5

In this section, Paul describes spiritual warfare, a battle not fought with physical weapons, but with ideas and arguments. There are two sides, each presenting itself as the origin of truth: God and his enemy Satan. The implications of this battle extend beyond physical life and death, so we must decide if we will choose to believe God and His truth, or rebel against Him.


James Rochford
Acts 4:36-5:14

As the church is growing Satan attempts the tactic of hypocrisy to bring the growth to a halt. It is easy to judge Ananias and Sapphira for their hypocrisy, however, if we're honest we can see ourselves in them. In this teaching we learn 4 aspects of hypocrisy: 1) definition of hypocrisy; 2) problems with hypocrisy; 3) identifying hypocrisy; 4) battling hypocrisy.

Divide and Conquer

Conrad Hilario
Acts 5:12-6:7

Satan seeks to discourage through persecution. Satan also seeks to destroy church unity and Christians must work to preserve our unity.

A Leavening Agent

Conrad Hilario
Luke 18:9-14

The story of Ananias and Sapphira and the choice they made to try and deceive their fellow Christian workers. God prevented the corruption of the early church by hypocrisy. Satan still uses this "leavening" to try to discredit God and Christianity.

Spiritual Forces Collide

Conrad Hilario
Romans 12:17-21

Peter and John heal a man born lame. They preach to the resulting gathered crowd. The leaders persecute them but are silenced by the good work of healing. Even though threatened further Peter and John respond with godly defiance. The believers pray for boldness.

The Great Battle of Our Age

Scott Risley
Luke 11:14-26

We learn about Satan versus God's kingdom and the battle we are in to fight for God's kingdom. This is a battle of truth versus lies. Satan will try to convince non-Christians he doesn't exist; he attacks Christians by tempting them and accusing them towards themselves, God, others, and their ministry?all to distract them from the mission. God calls on us to remember His truth and to present it in love, to pray for people, to pray against Satan, and to persevere through this spiritual warfare.

Lessons on Prayer (Part 3)

Conrad Hilario
Luke 11:14-23

Satan is God's most powerful enemy and he wants to destroy us. So God calls us to take the offensive in spiritual warfare. We are to ?bind the strongman??that is, we are to battle Satan with the truth of God's Word.