The Death of Truth Revisted

Jim Leffel
Deuteronomy 8:3

The prophet Amos describes a terrible famine in the land due to injustice and idolatry, devastating many. But there is another famine, even more devastating, a famine of truth which starves the soul. Our postmodern culture today is amidst this famine, unwilling to accept facts and viewing truth as a social construct. As we examine the effects of this lack of truth alongside the recovery of truth in a Christian context, the need for God's Word becomes clear and profound.

Listening to Jesus' Word

Gary DeLashmutt
Luke 10:38-42

In the narrative of Martha and Mary, Jesus teaches the lesson that God's Word is always the most important thing. We can listen to God as we seek time with Him, reading and studying the Bible, and listening to Him in prayer.

Who is Like Yahweh? The Old Testament God and New Testament Faith

Jim Leffel
Colossians 1:13-20

Who is God and who are we as God's people supposed to be? To know God does not just include gathering knowledge about God, but really knowing Him in a relational and personal way. As you read through scripture in the Old Testament it is emphasized over and over that God is love. It is through His love that He reveals His glory, engages relationally, and is working through history. Learning about the heart of God is and always will be fundamental to representing Him.

Leading Dynamic Discussion

John Ross
Colossians 1:13-20

Teaching through discussion is an important element to an effective Bible study, but it is a skill that takes practice and effort. This workshop explores three key elements of teaching through discussion: creating strong questions, delivering questions at key points in the teaching, and guiding the discussion effectively. Through examining these areas and honing our questions, we can begin to lead much more dynamic discussions, both in small and larger group settings.

Corporate Evangelism

Dennis McCallum
Acts 14:1

There are many different strategies to evangelism, one that is proven successful is corporate evangelism. Corporate evangelism is warranted biblically and exposes people to the love of Christ through His church. Helpful elements to corporate evangelism include prayer meetings, large meetings, small meetings, and group investment outside of meetings. The more equipped the church can become to work together the more successful it will be to share the love of Christ.

Discovery Bible Studies

Curt Stearns
Pam Stearns
Luke 10:1-9

To understand how to use the Discovery Bible Study method with cultures and people of faith who don't know the God of the Bible, it is important to understand the principles behind Church Planting Movements. Church Planting Movements consist of these principles: 1) pray abundantly; 2) gain access to a community; 3) search for the person of peace; 4) Discovery Bible Studies; 5) obedience based discipleship; 5) develop leaders. Once you have prayed and found the person of peace you can begin the Discovery Bible Method.

God's Eternal Plan for the Nations

Jim Leffel
Luke 10:1-9

God's plan for the nations is salvation. Salvation is the ultimate story line of the Bible. Working through creation and other motifs, the Bible displays salvation's path of redemption, regeneration, and God's reign.This results in a new people of God.

Predictive Prophecy in Evangelism

James Rochford
Luke 10:1-9

One of the apologetics supplied by the Bible, predictive prophecy, can add credibility to an evangelistic conversation. Study several of the major prophecies and learn about how to use predictive prophecy effectively, including: 1) make conservative claims; 2) do not say "Jesus fulfilled 300 prophecies!"; 3) remember to show what else the Bible says; and 4) read, study, and practice.

God's Self-Revelation

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 19:1-14

In Psalm 19, David explains that God makes Himself known to man in 2 ways: through His creation and through the words of the Bible. If we cultivate a healthy mistrust of our own understanding and cultivate an appreciation of God's Word, thinking about it and sharing it with others, we will be changed by its truth.