Truth to Us From God

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 3:15-4:4

Paul emphasizes the importance of the scriptures, while simultaneously claiming that they are inerrant and divinely written. He then charges believers to preach and know the word, and be alert in the face of false teachers.

Was the Bible Really Inspired by God??

James Rochford
2 Timothy 3:6-17

One common objection to believing in the God of the Bible is questioning the reliability of the bible which was written by men. There is significant evidence that the Bible is a trustworthy representative of God's very words. 1. The Gospels are relatively reliable historical documents. 2. In the Gospels, Jesus claimed to be God. 3. Several independent lines of evidence verify Jesus as supernatural. 4. Jesus (God) taught that all Scripture was true and inspired.

Battling Falsehood Among God's People

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 3:8-4:2

The best way to battle falsehood among God's people is to know the Word of God and preach it! Scripture is God-breathed, meaning the authors of the Bible were supernaturally inspired by God to write everything God directed them to write. By studying His Word Christians are equipped for every good work and able to discern truth from falsehood.

Stick with Scripture

Scott Risley
2 Timothy 3:6-17

Paul reminds Timothy that it is normal that Christians will suffer in this life, but we can take the long view knowing that Scripture gives us the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. Both Jesus and Paul taught that Scripture is inspired by God. False teachers on the other hand make up all kinds of strange and foolish ideas. God empowers Christians who stick with Scripture.

Long for the Word

Mike Sullivan
1 Peter 1:22-2:3

Peter exhorts us to long for the Word of God as a baby longs for its milk. We know physical bodies grow in response to physical nourishment. Spiritually, we grow from being nourished by the Word. Science and human knowledge can let us down but the Word of God endures forever. If you are struggling to get into reading the Bible, pray and ask God to open your eyes to see what we have in His Word.

The Speaking God

Gary DeLashmutt
Psalms 19

There are two ways God speaks to us, through His creation and through His Word, the Bible. The Word of God speaks much more clearly to us than His creation. The Word is more accurate than His revelation through creation. Two key responses to God's Word are having humility and speaking God's Word to yourself and others.

Ministry Leadership Principles

Dennis McCallum
2 Timothy 2:8-26

Paul instructs Timothy on important ministry leadership principles. With all the heresy trying to sneak into the church, Paul emphasizes of the importance of truth found in the Word of God and how it must be interpreted correctly. He also advises him to teach his church to avoid squabbling and pointless fussing.

Remember Jesus Christ

Chris Risley
2 Timothy 2:8-26

Paul instructs Timothy to be a workman who is does not need to be ashamed, who accurately handles the Word of truth. Know which arguments to redirect, to avoid, and which ones to respond to. Above all, keep grace the central message. Stay focused on grace for himself and communicate God's grace to others.

Passing On the Message

Chris Hearty
2 Timothy 2:1-2

Paul encourages Timothy with the message to stay strong in the grace God has given him. Paul entrusted him to pass on the Biblical truths he had learned from Paul with the goal of multiplying Christ-followers. Jesus' plan to multiply disciples by one-on-one mentoring may seem slow at first but multiplication results in much greater numbers over time than simple addition.