The Body of Christ

Chris Hearty
Romans 12:3-21

The Body of Christ is filled with people with many diverse giftings, supernaturally empowered to serve the Body of Christ as well as the world at large. Every member of the Body has a unique role that they can fulfill to demonstrate the love of God to a lost world. God is calling each one of us in the Body to step out in faith and let our love for one another shine brightly in a dark world.

Biblical Love

James Rochford
Romans 13:8-10

Paul writes that the summation of the Old Testament law is to "love your neighbor as yourself." In order to live out this biblical command we must understand what biblical love is, why we should practice it, and how. Although counter-intuitive, both the Bible and secular researchers claim that a life of sacrificially serving others is the key to fulfillment.

Transformation Turning Point

Chris Hearty
Romans 12:1-2

Chapters 1 through 11 of Romans is an exposition of the incredible mercies of God. In Chapter 12, Paul exhorts us, based on all that God has done for us, to give our entire lives to serving God. Many Christians mistakenly believe engaging in worship is an isolated event, distinct from our other Christian or worldly activities. The book of Romans refutes this idea that reduces worship to merely singing, dancing or praising God. Romans, instead, is consistent with the rest of the New Testament that presents worship as giving our whole lives to living in obedience to God. It is a life of lived out every day in thankfulness.

Being a Both-And Christian

Rich Nathan
Romans 12:1-2

In an age when culture presents us with many either/or issues and pressures us to choose one side or the other, the church is often best served by choosing a both/and position. One of the most important of these issues is whether to focus on evangelism or social justice issues. Rather than choosing one or the other, the most effective approach is to follow the Bible's model of spreading the Gospel while also meeting the physical needs of others. Emphasizing one while neglecting the other will lead to an imbalanced and less-effective Christianity.

The Confluence of Character and Competence in Leadership (Part 1)

Josh Benadum
1 Timothy 3:1-15

Being an effective spiritual leader requires more than charisma or influence. Good character, with the proper equipping is more important. 4 different qualities of this character include: hospitality, not being self-willed, gentleness, and enthusiasm. Josh breaks down the impact of neglecting growth in these areas and how to grow in them also.

Paul's Farewell

Ben Foust
Acts 20:7-36

Paul heads to Jerusalem, knowing that the end of his life is near. On the way, he says goodbye to the churches he has founded and shepherded for years. As Paul passes the torch to the new church leaders, he gives invaluable principles for Christian leadership, principles that are just as relevant today as they were then.

Joy & Peace

Jim Leffel
Matthew 7:9-11

The peace that we can receive from God can enable us to have peace in our lives regardless of the circumstances or turmoil in our lives. In this way, we can effectively attempt to meet the pressing needs of others. We're taught, here, how to practically cultivate God's peace so that we can better meet these needs.

Washing the Disciples' Feet

Ryan Lowery
John 15:12-13

What was one of Jesus' last acts before going to the cross? He washed his disciples' feet at the Passover meal. This act of humility towards even the one who would betray him shows unconditional love. Jesus was able to do this because of the gifts God had given him, his knowledge of where he came from and his knowledge of where he was going to.

Joy & Serving

Jim Leffel
1 John 3:2

Paul expresses a motivation to serve others that is rooted, in part, by the deep connections formed as a result. When we understand, like Paul, that we are victorious with Christ both in this life and the next, we can be free to strive to love others, joyfully.