Grace-Awakened Evangelism

George Verwer
Ephesians 6:10-20

God calls His people to help build His kingdom in every nation and in every country. How do we practically do that? How can we reach people for Christ all over the world? George Verwer has many years of real life experience in doing just that. He says the way God's people respond to God's grace has a powerful effect on other people for God. Responding to the needs we see around us and serving our neighbors and communities will help spread God's message to people who need to hear it.\r\n

A Global Perspective

George Verwer
Luke 10:25-37

George Verwer argues that believers do not have to travel to another country in order for God to give them a heart for that country. A commitment to world evangelism will change your life! Verwer says that if we are going to reach people with God's message, we have to get into their lives and meet people where they are at. This is exactly the example we see in the Bible with the story of the Good Samaritan. Find out what else Verwer has to say about having a global perspective of the Gospel.\r\n

The Measure of True Spirituality

Jim Leffel
John 15:11-12

Love is a basic human need. We all seek to be accepted, valued, and cared for. Where do we seek it? The Bible says God is love; in fact, that is the central message of the Bible. Why not share in God's love? God says experiencing love is based on giving. Find out what giving love looks like in a spiritual dimension, a moral dimension, and an emotional dimension.\r\n

What is the Church?

Jim Leffel
1 Corinthians 12:18

What is the church? There are many different answers to this question, but what does the Bible say? Jesus says the church is the body of believers, i.e., people who believe in God. The Bible says God created the church to be intensely relational and interdependent, and God has a place for you in it! Find out how you can be a part of the church that God created. A testimony by Julie is included.\r\n

The Servanthood Perspective

Dennis McCallum
Colossians 1-2

Like so many of us, the Colossians were tempted to drift away from the simple message of God's grace. Paul points out that God has appointed everyone in the church to service for God, which includes suffering on behalf of other people for the gospel. Christians have been given the responsibility of telling the lost world about Christ's free gift of salvation and leading them into following Christ with their whole life. This work is empowered by God and has the goal of encouraging, unifying people, and building understanding of Christ and what He has done for us.

Patriarchy or Serving Love

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5

Throughout various religions and church history, there have been misrepresentations of marriage roles between men and women. Instead, God's design for roles within relationships is servant love, a commitment to the betterment of the other person. Growing Christians realize that trying to have control and power within relationships, in particular within marriage, isn't the key. Instead, developing love and humility to radically serve the other partner is the key. Biblical submissiveness for wives is a willingness to be served and led towards God by their husband as they ultimately submit to Christ's leadership.

Reasons to Change Your Life

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 5

The forgiveness we've received through Christ motivates us to lives of sacrificial love. Understanding God's grace compels us to live our lives free from damaging patterns including sexual immorality, poor use of speech, and greed. Instead, we can understand how to live as God designed us and demonstrate His truth in our lives and in our relationships. This allows for gradual movement from self-centered living to others-centered living.

Focus of Faith (Part 3)

Jim Leffel
Hebrews 13:10-16

The author of Hebrews stresses the fact that God was at work in the Old Testament through instituting a system of sacrifices that describe the human condition and prepare humanity for Christ. The author urges his audience not to fall into old ways of relating to God, but instead to see the fulfillment of the Old Covenant in Christ. Instead of offering literal sacrifices to God, Christians are instead called to follow God by choosing to give their whole lives for his purpose.

Effective Youth Evangelism

Joe Botti
Tom Dixon
Matthew 28:19-20

Fostering effective youth evangelism is important for many reasons. It produces spiritual growth, it helps young students with their own faith, and it is biblical. Some practical steps that leaders can take to foster evangelism amongst youth include: encouraging every and any attempt of faith being shared; becoming an example; teaching biblical principles of evangelism; giving personal advice; teaching how to build friendships; making sure that you have a meeting people want to come to; raising the tension levels when necessary; and creating prayer lists and prayer groups.