Believers Under Pressure

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 2:11-24

Since believers are living as foreigners in a hostile world, we should not give in to the temptations of our flesh as the world does, but we should be different. Our good deeds should set us apart and silence those who slander us. If we bear up under unjust suffering for the sake of the gospel, this finds favor with God. We have been called to follow Jesus' example of suffering for the sake of others. By His wounds, many are healed.

Living in a War Zone

Scott Risley
1 Peter 2:11-12

Christians live as foreigners in a hostile land. Jesus warned us that since the world hated him, they will hate us as well. For the sake of our own soul and for the sake of our witness, Peter exhorts believers to abstain from fleshly lusts that wage war against our souls. We can overcome evil with good and silence foolish men by letting them see our good deeds.

The Power of the Word

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:22-2:3

It is the Word of God that empowers us to love fervently from the heart. It is the imperishable, life germinating seed that endures forever. The Word of God is a source of wisdom, victorious prayer, effective ministry, and character transformation. God works through his Word creating faith, nurturing growth and empowering ministry.

Girding Our Minds for Action

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 1:10-22

Because of the multiple gifts God has given believers and the secret plan of God now revealed, gird your minds for action! We have a mission! Do you go for a self-serving lifestyle or do you go a different way where you refuse to conform to the world system? Learn about true, self-giving love by beginning with God's love.

The Practice of Neighboring

Jay Pathak
1 Peter 1:10-22

The practice of neighboring is engaging your neighborhood in a meaningful way by building genuine relationships right out your front door. In our culture we have under-valued the power of hospitality with our neighbors. We can reclaim the ability to influence our neighbors for Christ by moving from acquaintances to relationships by sharing meals, remembering people's names and opening up our homes to the people living in our neighborhoods.

Who Is my Neighbor in the Global Village?

Jim Leffel
Luke 10:25-37

The parable of the Good Samaritan has applications for the church today as can be seen in the priorities of Dwell Global Partnerships. Jim Leffel describes this parable in contrast to religious and secular teaching on human suffering and how biblical missions addresses the spiritual and social crises of our day. Key Christian movements in church history and initiatives from Dwell partnerships with indigenous ministries will be used to illustrate these principles.

Ministering Because I Matter

Mateo Williamson
1 Timothy 1:12-16

Do I serve God in order to matter, or because I already matter? Any Christian that is trying to serve the Lord will wrestle with this question many times over. This workshop will explore approaching ministry God's way-not to prove myself to God and others-but to "love from a pure heart and a good conscience and sincere faith."

The Secret of Contentment

Chris Hearty
Philippians 4:10-20

Contentment can never be achieved by always getting what you want. It must be learned through practice. Paul had learned the secret to contentment regardless of his circumstances, whether good or bad. He learned this through the Holy Spirit who strengthened him. Paul connects the state of contentment with the act of giving. When we are content, with or without, we are not afraid to give generously because we know God will provide for us. Paul calls this trusting generosity worship, a pleasing and fragrant offering to God

Joy in Sacrifice

Jim Leffel
Philippians 2:17-18

Not all sacrifice is noble or good. Some have sacrificed their lives for a lie, like Nazi soldiers in World War II. Everyone is pouring their life out for something. The question is what are you pouring your life out for? Wealth? Power? Your children? Paul poured himself out as a drink offering of thanksgiving in the service of Jesus Christ. That is something worth dying for because God has something so much better than the world has to offer.