Sheep without a Shepherd

Mike Sullivan
Mark 6:7-56

When Jesus fed the 5000, He was revealing Himself to be a new kind of king with new values and a plan to work through people to bring about a quiet revolution one person at a time.

Feeding the Multitudes

Conrad Hilario
John 6:1-13

Jesus used the miracle of feeding the multitude to teach that He desires to feed our deepest hunger, our spiritual hunger and that, when we look at the needs around us, to rely on Him and not our own abilities.

Feeding the 5,000

James Rochford
John 6:1-15

When Jesus fed the five thousands, He was doing more than feeding hungry crowds.  He was offering the crowds the Bread of Life so they would never hunger again and He was teaching the disciples that serving others, although rarely easy or convenient, is very fulfilling.