Defending God's Design for Sexuality

Bev DeLashmutt

Sex is God's design for a relational act of bonding and becoming one flesh within marriage. God meets the Christian's need for union first by uniting them with Himself, and then with other believers. This is where they learn to successfully love on an intimate level.

Parenting Porn Free Kids

Brian Gardner

Pornography permeates the internet, whether one is looking for it or not. It's important to know how to have a balanced reaction if one finds their children are engaging in porn, making sure that they feel safe talking to their parents. Learn about how to prepare for, demonstrate against, and prevent pornography in the family life.

Sexual Sin and Grace

Brian Gardner

A false belief around sexual sin is that behavior modification or restrictions have the power to change people. They do not. There are four key dynamics that result in lasting heart change: knowing sin, hating sin, knowing the total forgiveness and grace of God, and being astounded at the love of God.

Christian Sexuality

Gary DeLashmutt
1 Thessalonians 4:1-10

Paul describes to the Thessalonians ways in which they can live to please God. He begins with instructions about Christian sexuality. These moral guidelines are for Christians. God's design for sexuality is that it is to be enjoyed within the confines of a heterosexual, monogamous marriage and that all other sexual relations outside of this are outside of God's Will. On a positive note, Paul highlights that committing to God's stance on sexuality allows for the maximum amount of real service towards another in marriage and prevents real catastrophic damage that comes when God's way is neglected. What we think and decide to do in the area of sexuality can have a great effect on our personal relationship with Jesus.

Pornography, part 2

Ryan Lowery
2 Peter 2:18-19

Pornography is popular because: 1) it offers an easy resolution to immediate sexual urges and the excitement of being bad; 2) it claims to be a victimless habit; 3) it is culturally accepted; and 4) it purports to be non-addictive. The truth is, pornography is a highly addictive sin that destroys individuals and families. Proactive steps to combat pornography addiction include: 1) admitting you need help; 2) talking to your spouse; 3) getting an accountability partner; and 4) educating your kids. This teaching includes an excerpt from Mark Driscoll's book "Porn-Again Christian," as well as an audio clip from Dr. James Dobson's interview with Ted Bundy.\r\n

Adultery and Pornography, Part 1

Ryan Lowery
1 Corinthians 6:18-19

God intended sex to be enjoyed within the confines of heterosexual marriage. Adultery (extramarital sex) is a powerful temptation and trap, and leads to death and destruction. There are three components essential to avoiding adultery: 1) avoiding temptation; 2) acknowledging what is at risk; and 3) investing deeply in your marital sex life.\r\n

Why Follow God?

Scott Risley
Ephesians 5:1-14

We follow God because our old selves died when we accepted His death as payment for our sins. There are certain things incompatible with our new selves, such as sex outside of marriage. We are called to live in the light, live our lives to please the Lord, and love because He first loved us.

Succeeding in Sex & Marriage

Scott Risley
Matthew 19:3-8

Contrary to what many people might think, God really want you to have a successful marriage and a great sex life! For single people, try to view singleness as a gift from God. Don't take matters into your own hands while you are looking for a God-centered marriage partner. For folks already married, center your family around God and learn to be a love-giver. For everyone else, relationships are best when done God's way. So, start a relationship with Him!

Serving Love and Sexuality (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
1 Corinthians 6:16-20

Jesus confronts the Pharisees about the issue of divorce. God's design for human sexuality is within the confines of a heterosexual monogamous relationship between man and woman. When the focus of sexuality is servant love, we understand that sex is highly intimate and thus can be highly damaging, so we want to listen to God's perspective on what will be the most fulfilling. The key to success in sexual relationships is that it is centered around God. When centered on God, sexuality is able to be freeing and highly unifying as both parties are secure in their position in Christ and can look to serve one another out from God's love, rather than needlessly taking from one another. This teaching also surveys people's thoughts about living together before marriage.