Who Is Worthy?

Mike Sullivan
Revelation 5:1-13

The fourth and fifth chapters of Revelation focus on a period of history when God judges sinful humanity. These chapters address the question of who is worthy to judge the whole world. Only a perfectly sinless being could stand in judgment of another being. God is holy and perfect; he has never sinned. He is qualified to judge. \r\nA morally perfect God must judge sin. His perfect justice does not allow sin to go unpunished. So, he sent his perfect, sinless Son to pay the penalty we all deserve.

What Is Wrong with the World

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 3:1-15

Paul charges Timothy to confront false teachings in the church. Paul tells him the false teachers are on a path divergent from Timothy's path. The false teachers' path is based on lies and will not lead to fulfilling God's purpose, but Timothy is on a true and better path that, though it includes suffering and persecution, will accomplish God's purpose. \r\nPaul calls Timothy to do three things: To realize, to avoid and to continue. \r\nTimothy must realize the trajectory of the world. Because people are fallen and have rejected God, the world will only go from bad to worse. The world is full of people who are lovers of self rather than God. \r\nTimothy must avoid the influence of the way of the world. Do not be captivated by the worldly allure of living for self. It is a powerful current that must be resisted. \r\nInstead, continue in the better way, the way Timothy had been taught since youth, the way of Jesus Christ. The gospel is the antidote to the life built on self.

The Deeper Problem

Mike Sullivan
James 4:1-10

The danger all Christians are susceptible to is being driven primarily by our sin nature. Although we were given a new spiritual nature, our sin nature did not go away at conversion. When we fall in love with the 'kosmos' we are operating in Satan's domain. His value system is designed to lure us away from God. When hearts are more in love with the world than we are in love with Jesus, we are giving in to our sin nature. James, in Chapter Four, explains the greater grace God has given us to combat the pleasures that wars within us. It begins with humbling our hearts and drawing near to a gracious God.

The Human Condition

Jim Leffel
Romans 1

This is a study of the human dilemma and the tragedy of the human condition. Because humanity has refused God's loving leadership, God has let us go to walk in our own devices. As a result, we are broken people and have shattered our intimacy, identity, and dignity. The good news of the Bible is that Jesus Christ came to rescue us from our rebellion against God and our shattered selves.

True Freedom

Gary DeLashmutt
John 8:36

True freedom ? where can we find it? A comparison and contrast of the secular and Biblical views of freedom. Whichever view we embrace will have tremendous consequences for ourselves, our children, and our society.\r\n

The Spiritual Dynamics of Temptation

Dennis McCallum
James 1:12-18

What is at stake for believers in resisting temptation:\r\nHabituation- the satisfaction of giving in to temptation does not last, always need more.\r\nRelational Alienation- results from secret habits, sexual exploitation.\r\nDiscrediting- believers hope our lives draw people toward God but sin discredits our witness.\r\nSpiritual Erosion- The shame we feel when giving in to temptation creates tension between us and God.\r\nWhen temptation to sin arises, we must avoid shifting blame, especially to God, but instead take personal responsibility. Temptation is deceiving. Look for the lie behind every temptation and confront it with Scriptural truth. The ultimate ability to refuse temptation comes from having an accurate view of the goodness of God.

The Truth About Temptation

Chris Hearty
James 1:12-18

James distinguishes between God who tests us for our good, to strengthen our faith and Satan who tempts us to bring about spiritual death. Satan uses seduction and deception to make us believe the lies behind the temptation and thus, enslaving us to sin. The key to avoiding the deception of temptation is believing and focusing on the truth. Temptation does not come from God, but from the desires in our hearts that Satan uses to entice us to sin. Instead, we must remember God will always show us a way out of any temptation. Victory is only found in the Cross of Christ.

Lot: The Impotence of Uncommitted Faith

Gary DeLashmutt
2 Peter 2:7-8

We can learn about having a vital faith by studying its antithesis in the tragic life of Lot. Though a true believer, he was a carnal believer and lived more like a non-believer; but the Lord was compassionate to him. An insightful explanation of the tragedy of and the hope for carnal believers is given. At any point, Lot could have decided to begin living by faith like Abraham and reaped the benefits.


Mike Sullivan
Genesis 19:1-36

In the lives of Abraham and Lot we see a contrast between the former's life of faith and the latter's life of spiritual compromise, and also the undeserved grace and compassion of God. From the story of Lot, we learn that it is possible to be a true believer but live a life of compromise and defeat, which has a negative effect on those around us, but that God continues to pursue us because he loves us.