The Corrosive Effects of Envy

Conrad Hilario
Psalms 73:1-28

This Psalm by Asaph reveals the inner struggle of a believer dealing with envy. Undealt with, envy can cause depression, self-pity, bitterness, and anger toward God. To escape the clutches of envy, a believer must realize the cost of his envy and take his envy to God, trusting God to reveal the root beliefs and attitudes behind the envy, and allowing God to help root the envy out of his heart.

Supernatural Living!

Jim Leffel
Galatians 5:13

Romans 8 describes God's great rebuilding program, addressing the brokenness that troubles all of us, including those who have a relationship with God through Christ. The first part of the chapter focuses on the Holy Spirit's role in allowing us to find freedom from the domination and defeat of sin that God says is possible. This is not accomplished through our effort, but by God's Spirit indwelling us, changing us from the inside out. The passage lists 3 main ways in which the Spirit works: he leads, he testifies to God's love for us, and he intercedes for us. Our part is to "walk by the Spirit" and to set our minds on God's truth.

Should We Continue to Sin?

Ryan Weingartner
Romans 6:1-13

In Romans 6, Paul addresses the logical question that arises from grace--couldn't we go on sinning if we're completely forgiven? Paul argues that while it would not jeopardize our forgiveness or relationship with God, sinning is not helpful and is not necessary for Christians. Paul says we have a new life "in Christ" and we are no longer under sin's authority. As we recognize these identity truths in humility and prayer, consider them, and present ourselves to act on them, we will find the ability to overcome even defeating sins.

Freedom Without Judgment

Chris Hearty
Romans 15:1-2

Within God's realm of moral truth, we have extraordinary freedom of conscience. Only, we are not free to impose our conscience upon all other Christians. Nor do we have the freedom to judge the weaker conscience of another believer in Christ. Instead, we are to sacrifice our personal freedom in order to serve the weaker person in love.

The Transforming Power of God

James Rochford
Romans 13:8-14

Paul writes that Christians should lay aside "deeds of darkness" such as drunkenness, sexual immorality, jealousy, and strife, all of which reveal an inner emptiness. Rather, we should put on the "armor of light" by entrusting ourselves to the Lord Jesus and allowing his power to transform us and fill the inner void.


Jim Leffel
Romans 3:17-23

This passage continues Paul's theme of man being lost without God, explaining that God has a standard to which He holds all men accountable. Paul says this standard is in our hearts through our conscience, though our consciences can be flawed, and it is expressed through the Law given to the Jews. By either evaluation man falls short, but we can cry out to God, acknowledging our sinfulness, and receive His provision of forgiveness and mercy.

Jesus' Provision for Our Deepest Needs: Restoration

Mike Sullivan
John 21:1-17

After his resurrection, Jesus went to Peter to restore him after his denial of Christ. In the same way, God wants to restore us after we experience failure. To cooperate with God's restoration we must receive His grace, let Him address our core issues, and say "yes" to God's call to serve.

Dying to Live

Chris Hearty
Romans 6:1-13

We KNOW that the old man is crucified with Christ and no longer dominates us if we are in Christ. In faith , we are to CONSIDER ourselves dead to sin, but alive to God in Christ Jesus. Therefore, we PRESENT ourselves to God as those who are alive from the dead. Now, we come before God as a new creature, not like the old creature, full of dread and shame, but with joy and confidence. It is in congruent to come before God with our heads hanging in shame, but we can come boldly before God, confident in our complete acceptance based on Jesus' forgiveness.

Our Despair in Adam, Our Hope in Christ

Chris Hearty
Romans 5:12-21

Adam was an imperfect earlier type of the perfect type to come later, Jesus Christ. In chapter five of Romans, Paul gives several ways Jesus perfected Adam's errors. Through Adam, many died, but through the grace of Jesus, eternal life is available to all people. Adam brought condemnation , but Christ brought forgiveness. Adam brought a reign of death, but, much more did Christ bring a reign of life. Adam's single act brought death, but Christ's single act brought life, and abundantly.