In Adam, In Christ

Chris Risley
Romans 5:12-21

Paul explains that the reason all are sinners is that we are all descendants of Adam and inherit spiritual death through him. However, when we choose to begin a relationship with God, we are placed "in Christ" instead, and inherit Christ's righteousness and then spiritual life and can begin to be changed from the inside out.

The Two Humanities Continued

Gary DeLashmutt
Genesis 11:10-32

A continuing study of the two humanities delving into the genealogies of Seth and Cain. As human society develops, we see both man's greatness in being made in God's image and man's corruption through godless egotism with a moral trajectory downward. We are all born into the line of Cain spiritually, but we can choose the line of Seth by entrusting ourselves to the God of the Bible. We all leave a legacy ? what step of faith can we take with the Lord TODAY toward a godly life legacy?\r\n

Our Problem, God's Solution

Scott Risley
Romans 3:9-30

Paul explains humanity's problem with God--that all have fallen short of God's perfect standard and deserve judgment. Now he transitions to explaining God's solution to our problem: forgiveness through faith in Jesus' sacrifice for our sins. When we place our trust in Christ we are freely forgiven and can enjoy humble unity with one another.

The Unthinkable Solution to the Human Condition

James Rochford
Romans 3:1-31

Paul describes humanity's problem--that we are hopelessly guilty before God because of our sin. Then he outlines God's unthinkable solution, to offer Jesus as a sacrificial substitute in our place so that we could freely be made right before God.

Cain and Abel

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 4:1-16

Genesis recounts the first murder of Abel by his brother Cain, motivated by God's acceptance of Abel's sacrifice and rejection of Cain's. We see that God, as always, was not concerned with the sacrifices themselves, but with the hearts of the two men. Like Cain, when we sin, God moves toward us redemptively and we must choose whether to repent or to harden our hearts.

Humanity's Wrong Turn

Mike Sullivan
Genesis 3:1-21

Chapter 3 of Genesis describes the fall of man when Adam and Eve believed Satan's lies and chose to rebel against God. As a result, we no longer live in harmony with God, ourselves, or nature, but rather live in a broken version of God's good creation. However, even from the earliest stages of man's alienation, we see God moving towards people and working to cover over their shame and make a way back to Him.

What it Means to be Human

Ryan Weingartner
Genesis 2:15-25

Genesis chapter 2 describes people as God created them to be: free will beings who delight in hard work, relationships, and the pursuit of knowledge. However, as a result of the fall, we experience a damaged version of this, but we have the hope that in heaven we will be restored to the fullness of all we were intended to be.

Introduction to the Book of Hebrews

Ryan Lowery
Hebrews 1:1-2

To understand the book of Hebrews, you have to understand the Old Testament. An overview of Biblical history starting with creation and original sin, through God's covenants with Abraham and David, and including times of idolatry and captivity for the people of Israel.

Winning Men in a Culture of Passivity

Doug O'Malley
James 4:17

The statistics exposing the passivity of men in our culture are grim, and the church is by no means exempt. Passivity is a lack of action or response, a sin of omission. This workshop provides practical resources for challenging Christian men in this area, ranging from conversations we should ensure we are having, to group ethos changes, to suggestions of how to help motivate them towards God. Jesus wants to draw all men to himself, and we should fight diligently to win men into lives devoted to Christ.