Love Can be Polarizing

Chris Risley
1 Kings 1:5

In any given body of Christ, there often are believers in a variety of different places in their maturity with Christ. When people become stagnant in their faith and possibly heading in the wrong direction, we are called to lovingly step into their lives. This workshop defines polarization, addresses some key considerations, obstacles, issues to address, steps, and how to strike the right tone. With these things in mind, we can be better equipped for the ongoing conversations needed to polarize people.

Five Memorable Lessons

Scott Risley
Luke 17:1-19

Five lessons from Jesus on how to have successful relationships with others and with God are: 1) Don't be a stumbling block; 2) Rebuke and forgive; 3) Faith; 4) Have a servant's attitude; and 5) Gratitude.

Cain and Abel

Jim Leffel
Psalms 51:14-15

A study of Cain and Abel provides a penetrating picture of the human inner life. Cain's legacy was corrupt as he sought to appease God through ritual rather than a trusting relationship. Failure and sin mastered him.

The Worst Thing that Could Ever Happen to Us

Scott Risley
Luke 11:37-12:3

Jesus speaks to the Pharisees against hypocrisy. Christians are not hypocrites when they sin. They are hypocrites when they pretend to be spiritual on the outside yet harbor sin in their hearts. Jesus hates hypocrisy because it shifts our focus to the external and ruins peoples' lives. Three negative impacts hypocrites have are: 1) they make following God seem hard; 2) they tell people to try harder vs. personally engaging people and helping them and 3) they isolate people vs. building a safe community. Grace is the only cure for hypocrisy.

The Fall (Part 2): Fallout from the Fall

Jim Leffel
Genesis 3:7-24

With the fall of Adam and Eve, the human condition changes. Alienation enters humanity: alienation within, alienation from God, and alienation from other people. Paradise is lost, but God has an amazing plan for redemption.

The Mind Set on the Spirit

Ben Foust
Romans 8:4-11

The apostle Paul is stuck in his sin, and realizes that Christ is the only one who can rescue him from his ?body of death.? A mindset on the Spirit and grace brings life, peace, and freedom from sin. A mindset on the law and flesh only serves to promote sin and failure.

The War Within

Ryan Lowery
Romans 7:14-25

Oftentimes we find ourselves trapped in a pattern of sin that we can't seem to break free from. It can be easy to resort to quitting or faking it. Instead, we need to return to God empty-handed. Freedom from the power of sin can only come from a continual choice to surrender to God in humility.

Law School

Ryan Lowery
Galatians 5:17

Gods' Law is perfect and unchanging, it is not nullified or changed, but our relationship to the Law has changed. Before the fall of man, we had no innate desire to eat the fruit of the tree of knowledge because we did not have a sin nature yet. After the Fall, the nature of man was corrupted, and our relationship to the Law became destructive. We know what sin is through the Law. In Christ, through a choice to be redeemed through his sacrifice on the cross, we can have a newness of identity and have a restored relationship to Gods' Law.

Why Is Sin Bad?

Ryan Lowery
Romans 6:15-23

Most of the time, it can seem like God says ?no? to sin to be a killjoy. In reality, sin is bad for us, and God wants good things for His children. When we choose to sin, we are living incongruent to who we are as believers in Christ. We no longer need to be enslaved to sin. Our new nature allows us to live in freedom from sin, as servants of righteousness.