Spiritual Warfare

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6:10-18

There are 6 elements the Bible mentions Christians have to use in spiritual warfare: 1) belt of Truth, 2) breastplate of God's Righteousness, 3) feet fitted with the Gospel of Peace, 4) shield of Faith, 5) helmet of Salvation, and 6) the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. All of these things should be coupled with persistence in prayer. We look in depth at each of these weapons and how we can practically appropriate them in the Christian life.

Standing Your Ground

Scott Risley
Ephesians 6:10-13

We are to put on the full armor of God so that we may resist Satan's schemes. Part of being a believer means acknowledging that spiritual warfare and Satan are real. Satan's goal is to render us ineffective and prevent us from accomplishing our mission of bringing others to Christ. He is skilled and has various ways of doing this, but one of the main ways he influences us is through our thoughts. He suggests, tempts, and accuses. We must be prepared to fight and live with a wartime mentality.

Spiritual Warfare

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6:10-12

We have plenty of both philosophical and Biblical evidence for spiritual warfare. In any type warfare, we must decide if we will respond with a mentality of peace-time or war-time. In war time, it is imperative that you: 1) know your enemy, 2) are equipped to fight, and 3) are on your guard.

Hearing God's Message

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 13:1-23

Jesus tells his disciples a parable of the soils, which focuses on hearing God's message and the varying responses people have toward His message. The four responses in this parable are: 1) to hear the message but not understand it because of distractions and deception from Satan; 2) to hear God's message superficially but then fall away when persecution comes; 3) to hear the word but get distracted from worry and the deceit of money; and 4) to hear and respond humbly to God's message, bearing fruit for Him. All people must respond to God's message concerning Jesus Christ and his forgiveness.

Jesus Confronts His Enemy

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 4:1-10

Jesus is confronted by Satan in the wilderness after 40 days in the desert. Satan tries to tempt Jesus to become spiritually autonomous instead of depending on God, twisting scripture to try and trick Jesus and worshiping him instead of doing God's work in God's way. Each time he was tempted, Jesus responded to Satan's accusations with scripture, an important decision within spiritual warfare. This confrontation between Jesus and Satan demonstrates the importance of relying on the truth of scripture and depending on the Holy Spirit's power amidst spiritual warfare.

The Unseen World

Jim Leffel
Daniel 10:2-21

Daniel's visions give profound insight into the spiritual world that are totally distinct from western skepticism or animistic superstition. The Bible describes angels as powerful, personal, spiritual beings with limited access to humans. There is a conflict in the spiritual world because of Satan's accusations against God's goodness. Because this conflict also extends to us, we should be on the alert as we place our confidence in God.

Into the Furnace

Jim Leffel
Daniel 3:1-36

When Nebuchadnezzar demanded universal worship of a statue, God's people faced a difficult and painful decision against the pressures of their culture. Today, the cultural bottom line that demands our loyalty has to do with the exaltation of the self. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego made their decision based on integrity and an informed confidence in God. In the furnace, God was with them in their suffering.

Living in Exile

Jim Leffel
Daniel 1:1-21

For the Jewish people living in exile, there were challenges to their identity as their lives were controlled by the Babylonians. They chose neither to assimilate to their spiritual hostile culture nor to totally separate from it, but instead to be different in a good way. Modern-day culture is just as spiritually hostile as in the time of Daniel. Believers today should be different in a way that lends credibility to God and His message, without compromising in important areas of morality and truth.

The Power Behind a Movement

Dennis McCallum
Acts 18:24-19:41

Paul's third missionary journey present four narratives, all which communicate about truths about God: 1) Apollos; 2) the twelve men; 3) spiritual warfare; and 4) the riot of Ephesus. These four narratives, while seemingly not related, demonstrate the power of God at work. These four narratives communicate the power of God's Word, the power behind the Gospel, the power of God over the demonic and occult powers of Satan, and the power over troubling circumstances as seen in the riot of Ephesus. It's important to recognize when God is at work and to appreciate His power behind spiritual movements. This testimony includes audience members sharing personal experiences about God's work and how to notice when God is moving.