The Temptation of Christ

Gary DeLashmutt
Matthew 4:1-10

Before Jesus can launch his public ministry, he is sent into the desert by God to be tempted three times by Satan. Through this event, Jesus is able to identify with sinners, and so help us when we are tempted. Each temptation also correlates with a common progression of sneakier and sneakier methods by Satan, all centering on lies about God and His Word. First Satan preys on our physical needs, then he misrepresents God, and finally he tries to convince us to seemingly live for God without suffering. The way to fight these lies is with truth: God's Word.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6

Following Christ means encountering spiritual warfare and fighting against Satan and his schemes. Satan is against God and his people and is intent on keeping people away from God and fulfilling His plans. Within spiritual warfare, we must adopt a wartime mentality, be sober and alert, and be ready to fight with God's truth and power.

Summing Up All Things in Christ (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 2:10-3:12

God's eternal plan was fully revealed by Jesus' work on the cross. This new revelation after the cross included God using the corporate church of believers to spread the Good News of Jesus before Christ's second return. Christ's first and second comings were both predicted in the Old Testament, but God's full plan wasn't seen until the cross made it clear. Christians in the present time have great access and assurance before God as they get the privilege to participate in His work, demonstrating His immense wisdom, grace and righteousness throughout the ages past and into eternity present.

Schemes of the Adversary

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:10-12

Paul warns to be aware of the schemes of the devil. Believers are encouraged to stand firm in the truth, being confident in God's Word. Believers can put on and trust in a breastplate of righteousness. This righteousness is not of their own, but it comes from the grace that Christ has given them. Believers should also know their mission and understand the urgency of it. They should stand with each other as a wall of defense, and they need to gather up a will to fight. Believers should be calculated in their force, trusting and knowing when to use the power of God's Word.

Spirits and the Material World

Jim Leffel
Ephesians 6:10-12

Humans live in a spiritually divided world. Satan was a created being who led a rebellion against God and now rules Earth. Because of this rule, spiritual warfare is a forced circumstance of our world. Fortunately, we know the outcome of this war. We don't need to live in fear because God is in control. Still, believers need to be aware that Satan takes people more seriously than they take themselves and wants to impose his will on them.

Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)

Dennis McCallum
Ephesians 6:10-18

The spiritual battle is a battle for truth, with Satan opposing God's truth. We can fight in the battle by remaining alert, persevering in prayer, and having biblical faith. \r\n

Spiritual Warfare (Part 1)

Dennis McCallum
1 Peter 5:8-9

Who is Satan? Is he real? What does the Bible really say about him? Understanding spiritual warfare begins with us understanding that we have an enemy who opposes God and God's people. In order to fight back, we have to understand his position and strategy.

Paul's Second Journey

Dennis McCallum
Acts 15:36-41

Paul's second missionary journey is a historical narrative that illustrates how to serve God. This journey highlights six ministry principles: 1) timing; 2) contextualization; 3) discipleship; 4) leading and empowering by the Holy Spirit; 5) spiritual warfare; and 6) having the right attitude. Ministry is the most exciting thing people can be part of and experience in this life.\r\n

Division in the Body of Christ

Dennis McCallum
Matthew 12:25

Unity is a key factor in the church, fellowship, and spirituality. What happens when the members of the body are divided? Our enemy, Satan, seeks to destroy God's people by tempting us to turn on each other and by encouraging apathy toward one another. What does division look like? Are we allowed to dissent and still maintain Godly unity within the church?\r\n