Avoiding Capture

Ryan Lowery
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

Paul is warning and encouraging the Christians in Colossae of the ideas competing for their faith and how to avoid being captured. Four ways to avoid being captured by false ideologies: 1) come to Christ; 2) assess your own vulnerabilities; 3) walk by grace in faith; 4) stay rooted in the Word and community. The love of God changes and motivates our hearts. Evaluate what motivates you to follow God and His ways. Be moved by what His love has done. His love is a safeguard to legalism and worship of self.\r\n

The Cross: God's Radical Provision

Gary DeLashmutt
Colossians 2:8-15

False teachers were trying to influence young Christians in Colossae away from Christ and toward religious practices so they would become enlightened. Paul wrote this letter to refute the false teachers, to instruct the Colossians about the deity of Christ and to explain how His death on the cross is God's radical provision for us. It is a provision for us in three ways: 1) it has canceled our certificate of debt; 2) it has given us a spiritual ?circumcision?; 3) it has disarmed the demonic forces that oppose us. God has given us all the resources we need to mature in Him.

Fallen, Fallen is Babylon

Scott Risley
Revelation 16:13-19:7

The city of Babylon was defined in the Old Testament by greed, selfishness, violence, and idolatry. In the book of Revelation, Babylon has the same characteristics, along with being predicted to lead the rest of the world astray have a direct link with the Beast. Here, John identifies Babylon as both the World System (kosmos) and a harlot whose toxic ways we should avoid at all costs. He describes a day of justice when Babylon will be judged for their sins and be cast into the sea.

The Seven Bowls

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 14:1-16:21

The next scene in John's vision describes proclamations of God's victory and of the judgment for those who rejected Him. Seven more angels from the Temple pour out the last of the plagues from the bowls they are given. The plagues cause catastrophe like never before, supremely illustrating the fact that living apart from God is always self-destructive.

Armageddon & the Seven Bowl Judgments

Scott Risley
Revelation 14:1-16:21

There will be a time during the tribulation when the dead and alive will both either be punished or rewarded for their actions. The 7 bowls of judgement include: 1) sores, 2) sea turns into blood, 3) fresh water turns into blood, 4) scorching sun, 5) darkness, 6) gathering for war, 7) the final battle of Armageddon. In the battle of Armageddon, the Beast will flood into Jerusalem but God will ultimately be victorious and pour out his wrath.

The Beast & the False Prophet

Scott Risley
Revelation 13:1-18

During the end times, the Beast and the False Prophet will rise up and rule for a period of time. Some of the characteristics of the Beast include: 1) rises to power in an empire consisting of 10 nations; 2) he establishes a world-wide government for the first time; 3) he is able to control what people buy and sell, worldwide; 4) he gains control of the world in only 3.5 years; 5) he commits an "abomination of desolation"; 6) he launches a war so destructive that God has to step in before the life on earth is wiped out completely; 7) this happens during a time when Israel is regathered and exists as a nation; 8) during his reign, God ends history as we know it and establishes the kingdom as God.

The Dragon and the Woman with Child

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 12:1-17

The next piece of John's vision contains a dragon who waits to devour a woman's newborn son. The dragon represents Satan, who attempts to destroy the child and his mother, causing destruction and persecution of the Jewish people. Although he is defeated at the cross, there are still ways that Satan accuses humanity to each other and God throughout time.

The Dragon, the Woman & Her Child

Scott Risley
Revelation 12:1-18

We are currently in a battle between the dragon (Satan), the Woman (Israel), and her child (Jesus) that will come to a close after the tribulation. During this time, believing Jews will flee and be protected by God. We should be aware of the strategies Satan uses in this battle against us to be prepared. In the end, God will ultimately win this battle and the war at large. Which side will you be on?

The Seven Trumpets

Dennis McCallum
Revelation 8:1-9:21

John's vision of the opening of the seals continues when the Lamb of God opens the seventh. Terrible disasters and wars occur, and demons are unleashed. Despite all of the evidence of God, people still do not turn to Him. John's vision is a warning of how living a life without God is always self-destructive and dangerous.