Who Do You Say that I Am?

Mike Sullivan
Mark 8:27-38

The disciples may have finally realized Jesus was the Messiah, but their understanding of what the Messiah came to do had to be transformed.  Jesus was not at that time coming as a conquering king, but as a suffering servant.

The Soldier, Athlete, and Farmer

Patrice McCormac
2 Timothy 2:3-7

The previous chapter outlined the job description of a follower of Christ. This chapter describes the necessary job qualifications.  One must be willing to suffer by being single-minded like a soldier, have the integrity of an athlete, and be hard-working like a farmer.

Standing with the Global Church

Mike Woods
2 Timothy 2:3-7

Most Christians live in the developing world where the Gospel is expanding.  Supporting the Global Church is more than what we can offer them; it is what they offer us!

Do Not Be Ashamed

Ben Foust
2 Timothy 1:6-12

Paul invites Timothy to join him as a shameless messenger of the Good News that saves, knowing that when one aligns with Jesus, one aligns oneself against the grain of society and brings shame and rejection, but Jesus' path goes through suffering to glory.

And Now I See!

Chris Risley
John 9:1-41

We all are born spiritually blind. God allows suffering to open our eyes to the works of God.  Will you let God change your life for the world to see?  Will you testify to God's healing power?

The Problem of Evil

Brian Adams
Job 40

When wrestling with the problem of evil, one must recognize one's limits. None of us have the whole picture of what God is doing in the midst of our suffering. A focus on heaven will transform the way we view suffering. Remember that God suffers with you and for you. The cross is a constant reminder that God is familiar with suffering and understands any suffering we go through.

The Return of the King

Conrad Hilario
Revelation 19-20

When Jesus comes back and inaugurates the Millennial Kingdom, He will bring about true social justice, world peace and spiritual enlightenment. Nature will never again harm humans, and though mortal, the inhabitants will not suffer from sicknesses. All will celebrate with great joy. After the Millennial Kingdom closes, there will be one more rebellion which Jesus will snuff out and then comes judgment. Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire along with anyone who did not choose to ask Jesus to forgive their sins.

"Who Do You Say that I Am?"

Conrad Hilario
Mark 8:27-37

When first confronted with who Jesus is, one must make a few decisions. The first is do you believe Jesus is God's Savior? This is a personal, significant and polarizing decision. The second decision is will you entrust and devote your entire life to Jesus and His message? To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, to give up yourself for Jesus, you will find your true self and gain Jesus and everything else thrown in.

The Hope that Is Within You

Mike Woods
1 Peter 3:13-18

In a world that is fast losing hope in anything, Christians can live in such a way as to reflect the hope we have in Jesus. This is attractive to a watching world, lost in despair. The starting point is to remember our own salvation. As we make Jesus the ruler of our hearts, we will have the kind of hope that draws people's attention.